Friday, July 26, 2024

Marvel's Midnight Suns and other notes

Tonight we finished Marvel's Midnight Suns with 70 of the 72 achievements unlocked (the last two involve reaching maximum dark side balance and getting the other 71 achievements). I'm at 105 lightside, so I figure pop in doing a mission or two daily and using dark powers will help progress that over.

As far as the ending and final boss battles go, it was incredible and very good payoff, with The Hunter getting a Commander Shepard in Mass Effect 3 / Makoto Yuki in Persona 3 style ending where they end up basically dead / sealed away. But Midnight Suns does tease a sequel involving Doctor Doom which I feel would be awesome.

Would I do a New Game Plus Run? Well that depends on if I want to grind out a huge portion of the game again and take full advantage of the conversations to push towards dark side even faster.

My commentary video for Midnight Suns will be on YouTube on August 9th

Anyway, RWBY Grimm Eclipse will be featured on Saturday's stream and on Monday Grandia will take over as our main game.

Tomorrow night we're playing God Eater Ressurection

For the raid we dropped in on abenonymous who was playing Marvel's Spider-Man 

Work was a lot better than it was last night by a wide margin

Nearly finished the Arrow commission, just needs an epilogue to close it out

Marvel's Midnight Suns Achievements

  • Extracurricular Activities: Attended all Abbey Club meetings in a single campaign.
  • Family is Forever: Completed the Transia story missions.

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Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)