Sunday, June 16, 2024

Overwatch 2 and other notes

Tonight we were joined by both PandaSweet and McCowboy for a trio squad for the majorty of the night, and we got off to a hot start winning about 5 matches in a row. Picked up a few plays of the game as Junker Queen, Orissa and Bastion this evening as well..

We did have the misfortune to run into hackers and people choosing not to play their assigned roles. I mean why throw a match when you're playing as support when you queue up for all queues? I will never understand.

Overwatch 2 will return next Sunday

Tomorrow night we're back to Persona 4 Golden as we hope to knock out all the days to get us to December 20 in order to set up going after quest items, getting the funds to do fusions and set up going after Adachi.

For the raid we dropped in on samaell_alwahm who was playing Wuthering Waves and Genshin Impact 

The yard work project kicked my ass but thanks to my brother we did everything possible so unless the city is wanting me to deal with my neighbors shit I have no clue what more can be done.

Didn't do any writhing today because of hte yard work and too tired to even think about doing some before bed

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