Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Borderlands 2 and other notes

We got a fair amount done in Borderlands 2 this evening, with several side quests and two big story mission that reunites the Vault Hunters from the original game, which basically puts us on the homestretch of finishing the game.

I need to figure out the level start points for Borderlands 2 DLC as I would like to do them before starting on the final leg of the game which is focused on taking down Handsome Jack. I know at least two require to be at level 30, but there should be others

Borderlands 2 will be back tomorrow night

For the raid we dropped in on sweetlindir who was playing Fortnite

Work was super productive this evening, we closed out an assignment, but then switched to one that broke my brain because of who we were looking to speak to went from listed only to anyone.

Finished one Fairy Tail story for a SubscribeStar request and now working on another story based on the anime / mangafor a Commission. It's about 15%  done

Borderlands 2 Achievements

  • Farewell, Old Girl: Completed the mission "Wildlife Preservation"
  • Well That Was Easy: Completed the mission "Shoot This Guy in the Face"
  • Got The Band Back Together: Completed the mission "The Once and Future Slab"

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