Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Final Fantasy XIII and other notes

Tonight we knocked out Chapter 9 of Final Fantasy XIII, granted we started the chapter back on Saturday's stream. Now I didn't fight every battle, but we fought a whole lot as we're in great position to knock out tier seven for every character in regards to chapter 10. I'm certainly going to be sticking to the party of Lightning, Fang and Hope as I got a very good idea of what they are all capable of in a pinch. Funny enough, I didn't have much trouble against the end-chapter boss, but I did nearly get wiped out in some of the mob fights.

Now the big question for Thursday's stream will be can we get through Chapter 10 in one night, and the odds are no considering how I will engaged in every fight possible.

Tomorrow night, the plan is to play Sea of Thieves with Iceman, althrough Striker may not be able to join in.

For the raid we dropped in on mousegosqueakz who was also playing Final Fantasy XIII

Another day without work... sigh... and still no mail in relation  to something else...

Knocked out the first of three back-to-back-to-back WWE related story commissions and started work on the second one. Will be working on that for the next several hours.

Imagine my annoyance a fair amount of snow on the ground this morning.

Pondering what groceries to get this week beyond the usual stuff.

Final Fantasy XIII Achievements

  • Instrument of Truth: Recognized the true threat to the world's future.


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