Thursday, February 29, 2024

Smite and other notes

 Tonight's stream of Smite went fairly well, got a couple of wins in Arena, and got my ass kicked in Assault. Big thanks to Stiker for being apart of the fum. Played as Bellona, Athena, and a few others.

Tomorrow night we're returningto Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League

For the raid we dropped in on smoresdafloof who was playing Don't Starve Together 

We did have work this evening, but it was filled with technical problems, so it'll be real interesting to see how my pay for this period turns out in two weeks.

Didn't finish the Dragon Ball commission, but it's half done, should be able to knock it out tomorrow.

Got my hands on the strategy guide for Mirror's Edge, another game that I intend to stream but I want to be able to research some things in advance.

Not much more to say, I'm tired, woke up way too early and didn't take a nap!

Good night!

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League and other notes

Tonight's stream started a half hour late since work got cancelled at the last minute, so I took a nap... and yeah...

Anyway, we got off to a great start with Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League, and I can safely say the game play is very similar to Agents of Mayhem in terms of being able to get around the city on foot and with the combat mechanics. Of the four characters, I think I favor Harley Quinn the most because she isn't as gimmicky with her travel options and can close distance with enemies fairly well. I've also liking the banter and just the complete tone of the game.

So basically, in my opinion, this is a good game, and I often have good vibes about the stuff I play after a few hours of casual playing. Looking forward to sinking in quite a bit of time into it!

Wednesday's night stream will feature Smite as Iceman won't be available for Sea of Thieves. 

Also happy birthday to Iceman!

For tonight's raid we dropped in on MissCammi316 who was playing Smite!

Was able to knock out a commission story based on The Flash today. Next commission request is based on Dragon Ball... and I think I have complete free-reign over the direction outside of a couple of plot points. 

Got my hands on the strategy guides for Resident Evil 4 (classic) and Resident Evil Code Veronica X, as those are games on my check list of things to play this year.

 Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Achievements

  • Trial By Fire: What the hell just happened?
  • Cleaning Out the Closet: Steal something useful from the Hall of Justice
  • Hitting The Fan: Survive the Batman Experience
  • History Repeats: Begin the Batman Experience
  • Fowl Play: Recruit your first Support Squad member

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Dead or Alive 4 and other notes

Tonight we started playing Dead or Alive 4, and safe to say, the A.I. on Normal difficulty was giving me fits. In fact it took me nearly 30 minutes to clear a simple time attack! So odds are that I'm not going to get many achievements in this game, but at the very least we'll get through the story mode for every character... because that is the classic Arcade ladder format. We all ready did three tonight, so I figure we'll get quite a few streams out of DOA4 in the coming weeks. So basically Mondays will be about the jiggles and the juggles

Tomorrow night we're starting up Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League, which should be exciting! 

For the raid we dropped in on swashbucklet who was playing Final Fantasy XIII-2

We had work today and we closed out the assignment that we had rolling from last week, and apparently we have something tomorrow so here's hoping we're in a hot stretch!

Finished writing the Dragon Ball commission which ended up being about 4500 words. Next story on the docket will involve The Flash.

Xbox had some weird bugs that resulted in my wish list of games to be erased. So now I need to remember what was on it!

Need to remember to make some more Ice  Tea tomorrow.

Dead or Alive 4 Achievements

  • Completed Story Mode: Completed Story Mode once.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Overwatch 2 and other notes

Tonight we featured Overwatch 2, and of course, we were joined by PandaSweet as we struggled with 'unique' teammates. I totally forgot that I have to do the various character runs for the missions to unlock profile information. My aim really continues to improve using Ashe, as I'm hovering around a 50% accuracy when using the scope

Tomorrow we're starting up Dead or Alive 4

For the raid we went over to Kalenal who was playing Final Fantasy XIV

Speaking of Final Fantasy, I jumped back into Final Fantasy XIII today to grind out CP and to tackle some achievements, so I know have 66% of its achievements. Woo-Hoo!

Took me awhile to figure out the intro for the Dragon Ball Commission, but got it done, next will be writing the actual action sequences for it. Which may take up the rest of the night and most of the tomorrow.

Final Fantasy XIII Achievements

  • Limit Breaker: Dealt 100,000+ damage with a single attack.
  • Ravager's Seal: Mastered the Ravager role.
  • Medic's Seal: Mastered the Medic role.
  • Commando's Seal: Mastered the Commando role.

Final Fantasy XIII and other notes

Tonight we wrapped up Final Fantasy XIII, and I have to say, even with knowing there are direct sequels to it, I'm satisfied with the ending. Even if the entire premise of the plot seems to take place over the course of seven days, if what was said at the end of the game was any indication. Total play time was about 60 hours and we unlocked over half of the achievements. Will I play it again start to finish, probably not, but I do see myself going back to it to grind for various achievements that I feel are doable (Namely the Commando,Ravenger and Medic Seals).

So with Final Fantasy XIII wrapped up, that means we're going to be starting a new main game this week, and it's going to be Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, which we'll get started on Tuesday. But we're also going to bring in Dead or Alive 4 on Monday, as I really liked the time we spent dedicated to Skullgirls. So basically the line up going forward will be

Sunday Nights: Overwatch 2
Monday Nights: Dead or Alive 4
Tuesday Nights: Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League
Wednesday Nights: Sea of Thieves
Thursday Nights: Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League
Friday Nights; Ghost of Tsushima
Saturday Nights: Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League

Big thanks to Kalenal for the raid following their stream tonight!

For our raid we dropped in on intergalacticpants who was playing Baldur's Gate 3

Finished writing the Mass Effect commission request, which took longer than expected. Next up on the commission docket is a Dragon Ball story. I'll be working on that when I wake up

Final Fantasy XIII Achievements

  • Instrument of Change: Witnessed the dawn of a new crystal legend
  • Synergist's Seal: Mastered the Synergist role.
  • Saboteur's Seal: Mastered the Saboteur role.
  • Sentinel's Seal: Mastered the Sentinel role.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Ghost of Tsushima and other notes

Tonight's stream of Ghost of Tsushima started late because I started work late (more on that in a bit). We got a fair bit done in terms of trophies that could be earned related to just doing stuff without advancing the story. I do have questions as to what is locked behind story progression, but all in, things were basically chilled tonight.

Tomorrow night we look to knock out all of Chapter 1w of Final Fantasy XIII

For the raid we dropped in on ErikaMonky who was playing State of Decay 2

Now talking about work, I was so sore today that I laid down at about 1 PM and didn't wake up till a quarter past 5 PM, making me late for work. So I stayed a bit to make up for that lost time. Real embarrassed by it.

Also meant I didn't get all the writing I wanted done, but the Mass Effect story commission is roughly 40% finished based on what I've written so far.

Balancing my work out between Fitness Boxin and Ring Fit Adventure may be the cause of the soreness, but between the two I get a fairly solid workout to get the day going.

Ghost of Tsushima (PS4) Trophies
  • Flash of Steel: Defeat 20 enemies with a counterattack after a Perfect Parry.
  • Hero of the People: Liberate 12 occupied areas in Izuhara.
  • A Charming Man: Equip a charm in all 6 slots.
  • Slay: Acquire 30 pieces of Vanity Gear.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Final Fantasy XIII and other notes

The day started with a morning stream a two hour session dedicated to Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Start, where I set a few new personal bests. I did however see how silly I look doing anything physical on camera! We might bring back these morning streams every now and then

Tonight's stream of Final Fantasy XIII saw us finally wrap up Chapter 11, and all the heavy level grinding I did off stream certainly help, making sure we were at the maximum possible abilities for my main party, while also putting us in a great position to instantly level up once the 9th tier on the skill tree was unlocked. Thanks to help from one of the viewers, I was able to level up weapons for Fang, Hope and Lightning. so now there is the question of powering up accessories 

Next time we'll play Final Fantasy XIII will be on Saturday's stream, picking up at the first save point of Chapter 12. The march towards victory begins!

Friday night's stream will feature Ghost of Tsushima, with the priority being on exploring 

For the raid we dropped in on misscammi316 who was playing Dead by Daylight

We did have work today, so that's good news on the positive front there!

Finished the WWE story commission I had on the docket, and next is a Mass Effect one that may take a day or two to write, depending on the dialog. At the moment that story is maybe 10% complete.

Grabbed dinnerfrom Blowin Smoque, consisting of BBQ chicken, kale greens and candied yams.

Also the strategy guide for Lightning Returns; Final Fantasy XIII arrived... and just looking at it I see that game's mechanics are completely off the rails!

Final Fantasy XIII Achievements

  • Pulsian Pioneer: Took over 10,000 steps on the lowerworld surface.
  • Instrument of Faith: Defied destiny's charge and embarked on a different path.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Sea of Thieves and other notes

Tonight's stream of Sea of Thieves saw Iceman and I setting sail, and finding a ton of loot, but with a lot of effort in regards locating various buried treasures on one island. I did get better at using the compass and the map to have a better idea of how to orientate myself to figure out where some things are. We picked up three achievements, however, they have zero gamer score but they are associated stepping on the islands that have outposts.

For the raid we dropped in on intergalacticpants who was playing The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt 

Tomorrow night we're back to Final Fantasy XIII. I did do a ton of grinding, getting up to about 800,000 CP, so we can progress forward with trying to knock out the remainder of Chapter 11, which should open up the 9th tier skill trees.

We had work tonight for the first time since a week prior to last Thursday, it was a bit of a tough night getting back into the swing of things.

So with work back, I didn't finish the story I was working on (another WWE related commission) as I was taking my time writing it  till about 3 PM when i found out there would be work.

The Borderlands movie looks fine, like an general popcorn flick. As long as it has action and explosions, then it's going to be fine.

Sea of Thieves Achievements

  • Seeking Sanctuary: You paid a visit to the beautiful Sanctuary Outpost.
  • The Wonder of Plunder: You paid a visit to the towering Plunder Outpost.
  • Pay Your Respects: You paid a visit to the mysterious Galleon’s Grave Outpost.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Final Fantasy XIII and other notes

Tonight's stream of Final Fantasy XIII went pretty well, we reached Taejin's Tower and knocked out several of the mandatory hunts before finding an excellent spot to grind for CP. I could have easily pushed to finish Chapter 11 this evening, however, there were some outside circumstances that prevented it, not to mention if I can get close to 999,999 CP points, we could damn near fill out Hope, Ligntning and Fang's standard skill trees for level 9. I will try and do some heavy grinding on that, otherwise Thursday's stream will feature me going up and down a set of stairs.

Of course the outside factor was that Xfinity was scheduled to be doing maintenance around 1 AM, so that's why I ended the stream fairly early.

For the raid we dropped in on lilmoolah_ who was playing Cyberpunk 2077

Wednesday's night stream is slated to feature Sea of Thieves with Iceman, if he's available, otherwise, it will be Smite

Didn't get as much writing done on the Resident Evil commission I was expecting. I take that back, I got a lot done, but didn't finish it. I'll be working on that before I go to bed so that when I wake up I can work on the next story that's on my docket.

On a side note, the clips from the final night of Catherine Full Body continue to get flagged by Sega, but we should be outside of the 30 day window for the clips that appear during the BRB screen.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Final Fantasy XIII and other notes

Tonight's stream of Final Fantasy XIII saw me backtracking quite a bit to find and complete the seventh hunt in order to unlock the R&D shop in order to possibly be able to upgrade weapons to the next tier at some point. Beyond that we ended up doing a lot of hunts, and we finally found Chocobos in addition to apparently unlocking Cactars that drop 5000 CP when slayed. We wrapped things up by reaching the point of the final Eidolan battle so all six members of the cast have their summons.

Now of course Final Fantasy XIII will be featured tomorrow as we push forward, and the big goal that I have is to get as much CP as possible, to over 780,000, this is going to be helped by the fact we've unlocked teleporters to take us to areas where we can grind thing.

For the raid we dropped in on samaell_alwahm who was playing Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon's Keep, which is apart of the Borderlands franchise.

Found out the servers at work are being rebuilt, so right now we're waiting for that to be done.

Managed to find alternate sources to get the physical strategy guides I was looking for, but they'll be sent via USPS, which does mean I'll get notifications on anything heading my way.

Finished the Attack on Titan story, and it turned out alright. Next is a short commission story based on Resident Evil.

Been adding the Ring Fit Adventure exercises to my routine of Fitness Boxing, using the later as a warm up before doing the former. Probably would help if I had self-control when it came to eating.


Sunday, February 18, 2024

Overwatch 2 and other notes

 Well my day ended up not being good as another Amazon package was stolen from my porch... I was not expecting what I ordered to be arriving today, if I was, I would have been waiting for it!

Anyway tonight's stream of Overwatch 2 was a lot of fun, big thanks to PandaSweet for being part of the action. We did feature a couple of runs of the Cosmic Crisis event which was fun, and I could have played the role of Betrayer in one, which would have been interesting. Also hit level 95 on the Battle Pass, earning the title that was at that level.

For tonight's raid, we dropped in on Kalenal who was playing Final Fantasy XIV

Tomorrow night, I'll be featuring Final Fantasy XIII, and more than likely there will be some grinding going on. In fact I may be doing that in a bit off-stream to try and fill out the current skill trees.Maybe we'll do some back tracking too to find some more of those hunts tomorrow.

Finished the Spider-Man commission story and the person who ordered was trying to avoid paying for it despite paying for a previous story with the same method I use for everyone who isn't going through SubscribeStar. I'm really tempted them to put them on blast for it

Started work on an Attack on Titan commission request, which should be fairly shortish, as the set up is more wham-bam than anything else.

Final Fantasy XIII and other notes

Tonight's stream of Final Fantasy XIII saw us gradually making our way through the large open area, doing various hunts and grinding for CP. The fact that there are many high level enemies around certainly make things interesting as some can be torn through fairly quickly and others... not so much.

We'll be back to the adventure on Monday's stream, and probably will focus on power grinding as much CP as possible

For the raid we dropped in on smoresdafloof who was playing League of Legends

Tomorrow night's stream will feature Overwatch 2, and a huge focus on quick play matches

For a fair amount of writing done in the Spider-Man commission which I'll be working on the rest of the night. I made up my mind to keep things basic and trying not to do to much with it.

Noticed a lot of folks taking issue with the new jerseys being worn by MLB teams, to which I say, we all saw it coming. The switch from Majestic to Fanatics was one of the stupidest  decisions baseball could have made.  

The strategy guides for Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII should be arriving Monday,

 Final Fantasy XIII Achievements

  • Kelger's Cup: Completed all low-level Cie'th Stone missions

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Ghost of Tsushuma and other notes

For tonight's stream of Ghost of Tsushima, we continued to explore the lower half of the map, finding fox shrines and various little fast travel points while also being misdirected by birds. Found the Heavenly Strike side quest which was pretty good, but all in all we avoided two things that would advance the plot.

Tomorrow night we're playing Final Fantasy XIII opening up Chapter 11 and having to save Hope.

For the raid we dropped in on zonesama who was playing Splatoon 3

Still no word on work resuming... 

Loaded up on Groceries, all the usual pasta related things, but added in some shrimp as well, since iLove how they turn out in the air fryer.

Got to remember to have a salad tomorrow.

Started work on the Spider-Man commission story, finding the right vibe for the intro is forcing me to do something generic, but hell I do need the cash.


Friday, February 16, 2024

Final Fantasy XIII and other notes

Tonight's stream of Final Fantasy XIII saw us tear through Chapter 10, which saw a lot of battles against a  nice variety of enemies, leading to a boss fight against Cid Raines... and this has to be the first time in any Final Fantasy game I've played where one has to battle Cid. Now I had to do that battle twice, as we failed on the first attempt. Also had to redo a couple of smaller battles because I was too confident. 

Still we finally made it to Gran Pulse, the open area of the game which makes up Chapter 11 so there is going to be a lot of roaming around and finding enemies to farm in order to gill out the skill trees for Lightning, Hope and Fang, while specializing Snow, Shaz and Vaniel in specific functions. Final Fantasy XIII will be back on Saturday's stream

Tomorrow's stream will feature Ghost of Tsushima, more roaming around and finding side things

For the raid we dropped in on makaybear4 who is back to streaming, and they were playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III

Grabbed an order of food from Blowin Smoque, a local BBQ joint, some ribs, kale greens and potato salad... it was quite delicious. 

Knocked out the third of three consecutive WWE commission requests... and now my attention turns towards a Spider-Man related story. Going to aim for it to be 2500 to 3000 words, as the person who commissioned it gave me a terrible concept to work with.

Finished the Battlepass for Overwatch's new season and have been doing a lot of ranked matches

Also, the FN Dante Savage has formed a new band called Shooting at Ghosts, and have a new album coming out on in March called Lifelines. Their first single, "Lullaby" can be heard on YouTube at

Final Fantasy XIII Achievements

  • Loremaster: Discerned the full attributes of 100 enemies.
  • Instrument of Hope: Traveled to the world below, seeking a way to alter fate.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Sea of Thieves and other notes

Tonight's stream of Sea of Thieves saw Iceman and I figuring out how to find treasure based on the maps one can get in the game, and we found a lot, with some back and forth traveling. Highlight was figuring out one of the cryptic puzzle ones where you have clues to go by, We also ran into a giant ass shark and managed to sink an enemy ship, so all and all a lot of fun

Tomorrow night we're back to Final Fantasy XIII picking up with things in Chapter 10, and with luck we can get through all of it. We might extend the stream to compensate to make sure we do.

For tonight's raid we went over to datshadowwolf to watch them play Dead by Daylight 

Finished the second of three back to back to back WWE stories and I have one more  to do, which is already in progress so I'll be working on that during the day tomorrow (in between looking for a new job as per usual). 

Thankfully once that's done I have a wide variety of story commission requests on different franchises on the docket.

Still haven't found a replacement for Red Dwarf on shows to watch.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Final Fantasy XIII and other notes

Tonight we knocked out Chapter 9 of Final Fantasy XIII, granted we started the chapter back on Saturday's stream. Now I didn't fight every battle, but we fought a whole lot as we're in great position to knock out tier seven for every character in regards to chapter 10. I'm certainly going to be sticking to the party of Lightning, Fang and Hope as I got a very good idea of what they are all capable of in a pinch. Funny enough, I didn't have much trouble against the end-chapter boss, but I did nearly get wiped out in some of the mob fights.

Now the big question for Thursday's stream will be can we get through Chapter 10 in one night, and the odds are no considering how I will engaged in every fight possible.

Tomorrow night, the plan is to play Sea of Thieves with Iceman, althrough Striker may not be able to join in.

For the raid we dropped in on mousegosqueakz who was also playing Final Fantasy XIII

Another day without work... sigh... and still no mail in relation  to something else...

Knocked out the first of three back-to-back-to-back WWE related story commissions and started work on the second one. Will be working on that for the next several hours.

Imagine my annoyance a fair amount of snow on the ground this morning.

Pondering what groceries to get this week beyond the usual stuff.

Final Fantasy XIII Achievements

  • Instrument of Truth: Recognized the true threat to the world's future.


Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Skullgirls 2nd Encore and other notes

Tonight we wrapped up a few things in Skullgirls 2nd Encore, namely completely Black Dahlia's story mode (and that was surprisingly difficulty), did a few arcade runs (one of which took half a hour), and picked up a few achievements for certain characters. Now earlier in the day I worked on a couple of other achievements associated, namely ones realized to getting a 829-Hit combo and having sixty different types of combos performed.

So with Skullgirls 2nd Encore finished, we can slot Final Fantasy XIII into Mondays, meaning we can dedicated Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays to it as we work on finishing the game. Of course, obviously we're playing Final Fantasy XIII for tomorrow's stream.

For tonight's raid we dropped in on pradoxgamerau who was playing World of Warcraft

We didn't have work tonight which bugs the hell out of me, but hopefully we'll have something lined up sooner rather than later.

Had a hard time working on the WWE commission story today, in fact it took me most of the day to figure out how to even start it since I don't follow the current product and have no clue on what a number of character quirks are (and unlike with some other things, I don't intend to look into it).

The public reaction to the Fairy Tail commission from early January was about what I figured, and you know what, I don't mind because if someone is going to get mad enough to comment about a 5000 word story, then they should write their own.

Skullgirls 2nd Encore Achievements

  • Off The Leash: We have to last until the goddesses descend.
  • Funded!: A heartfelt thanks to everyone that believed in Skullgirls and made this happen.
  • Prolix: Words are fun - expand your vocabulary.
  • The Beast Within: My, your skeleton is looking positively punishing today!
  • Good Hunting, Commander: A good commander knows how to wield their forces effectively.
  • Real Circus Damage: And now, for the main attraction… Grappling!

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Overwatch 2 and other notes

Tonight's stream of Overwatch was extended by an hour just so we could keep track of the Super Bowl, and we had a lot of fun. Big thanks to PandaSweet for bbeing apart of the action this evening. Played as Junker Queen, Brigitte, Moira, Tracer, Ashe and a few others. We did a few ranked matches this evening as well, mostly to wrap up a weekly challenge.

Tomorrow night we're doing one more stream of Skullgirls 2nd Encore, to complete the Story Mode for Black Dahlia, and we'll do various other things in the game, arcade runs, challenges and whatever else.

For tonight's raid we dropped in on smoresdafloof who was playing League of Legends. It was their first stream in quite a few years! 

Did an hour of grinding in Final Fantasy XIII last night to complete the current skill tress for Lightning, Hope, Fang and Snow

Finished the Spider-Man commission this afternoon, getting it to 3000 words which allowed me to order some pizza tonight.

Next story on my commission docket is WWE related... in fact the next three stories are all WWE related... so that's going to be a struggle.

And congrats to the Kansas City Chiefs for winning the Super Bowl in dramatic fashion.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Final Fantasy XIII and other notes

Tonight's stream of Final Fantasy XIII was heavily focused on chapter eight which should at most take maybe ninety minutes to get through, but I was focused on  grinding CP, knowing where there was a spot where I could farm 640 to 2200 CP, so we spent a couple of hours going back and forth, putting us in a good spot to fill be ahead of where the strategy guide indicated where we should be heading into chapter nine. 

 We ended the stream in a spot where we can do some more CP farming, which I might do off-stream in preparation for Tuesday's stream since Hope, Fang and Lightning are pretty much going to be the main core of the rest of the game.

Tomorrow night, we're playing Overwatch 2

For the raid we dropped in on zonesama who was playing SimCity 2000 

Got a fair amount of writing done on a Spider-Man commission request which had a rather convoluted setup, I'll be working on it for the majority of the rest of the night.

Not much else on the way of notes for today, as it was basically a chill day, all though the increase in temperature outside caught me by surprise.

Final Fantasy XIII Achievements

  • Instrument of Wrath: Took the fight to the enemy's door.

Ghost of Tushima and other notes

Tonight's stream of Ghost of Tsushima saw me mostly roaming around, finding a few collectable locations along with doing a few side quests, such as wrecking a Shipyard, assisting a character who was looking for the bodies of their sons at the site of the game's opening battle and other a bit of progression into a couple of story arcs that are optional.We did not get any trophies this week.

Tomorrow night we're back to Final Fantasy XIII with Chapter 8, and I do intend to find a spot where apparently we can grind for a lot of CP

For the raid we dropped in on djparticle who was playing Splatoon 3.

We had no work tonight, but I was told we could expect something for Monday

Finished a WWE related commission request, and the next one on my docket is Spider-Man related which I'll be working on over the weekend.

Still have had no luck in finding something to watch when I'm making / having lunch.

Also stepped on a scale.. and yikes... back up to the upper 270s

Friday, February 9, 2024

Final Fantasy XIII and other notes

Tonight's stream of Final Fantasy XIII certainly took longer than I expected to get through Chapter 7, but we were able to do it in about five hours, putting us in a good spot tackle Chapter 8 and farm the hell out CP on Saturday's stream. Which may not make for exciting content, but by my count I'm kind of a head in terms of the Skill Trees in having everything below the cost of 900 CP unlocked on every character. Now I understand getting mastery on everything is only possible in the post-game, but given my history with Final Fantasy games in general, I want to have every possible advantage I can get!

By the way I fully endorse the shipping of Fang and Lightning

Also I think I tracked down the physical strategy guides for Final Fantasy XII-2 and Lighting Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, as I really do intend to do the entire trilogy.

Big thanks to Oldish22 for the raid!

For my own raid we dropped in on neperrati who was playing Persona 3 Reload, a firm reminder that I need to play Persona 4 Golden as part of this year's line up for games.Come to think of it, with all the larger scale games I want to play this year, it'll be amazing on if I even manage to get to 30 games finished on this years tour!

Friday night's stream will feature Ghost of Tsushuma (Speaking of large games that will take awhile)

We didn't have work tonight, but I didn't start the stream until after 9 PM, just to stay in rhythm. We're waiting on an assignment at the moment.

Finished the Resident Evil commission request, and I wasn't to pleased with how it turned out, and I got started on working on a commission story based around WWE, which at this point is maybe about 35% finished. 

Final Fantasy XIII Achievements

  • Instrument of Shame: Carried the burden of guilt to the end of the line.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Sea of Thieves and other notes

Tonight's stream of Sea of Thieves saw Striker and Iceman join in as we replaced part of the quest we were working on last week to finish it and then we continued on to the next chapter, tracking down Captain Jack Sparrow. We also found a underwater treasure haul and got a ton of loot! All in all a great time on the high seas!

Tomorrow night we're resuming Final Fantasy XIII picking up on Chapter 7 

Big thanks to IntergalaticPants for the raid tonight!

For our own raid we dropped in on zdleague who was playing Bend and the Ink Machine

Work was okay tonight as we were trying to close out an assignment that is focused on things up in North Jersey, ran into too many folks who didn't speak English.

Currently working on a Resident Evil related commission request, which is going to end up more plot heavy than anything else as I need to write out Nemesis and Mr. X

Saw the new skins coming to the next Overwatch battle pass and the Moira one looks really cool. And if they are doing a Cowboy Bebop crossover, I may be really interested in that.

Sea of Thieves Achievements

  • The Sunken Pearl: You completed 'The Sunken Pearl'.
  • Captains of the Damned: You completed 'Captains of the Damned'.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Final Fantasy XIII and other notes

Tonight's stream of Final Fantasy XIII saw us knock out all of chapter six in fairly straight forward fashion, having only suffered one defeat against a Wyvern, while having little trouble with the end of chapter boss fight against Enki and Enlil (thankfully the guide gave me a good idea of what I needed to do). Sazh's backstory with his son and how it connects Vanille has me eagerly wanting to see how that falls out. We did 'start' chapter seven, getting the achievement for it because of the cut scene, but we'll do it on Thursday's stream. If I'm reading the guide correctly, the half way point of the game and when it opens up at  the end of Chapter 10. 

Tomorrow night's stream is slated to feature Sea of Thieves, if Iceman is unable to join us, Smite is our alternate game.

For the raid we dropped in on SweetLindir who was playing Palworld 

Work tonight was odd as our system broke down towards the end of the shift, so things ended earlier than I would have liked. 

Was in the mood for something different so I did a DoorDash order from McDonalds... and they got my drink wrong, and that double Big Mac was quite a disappointment. It was a firm reminder as to why I prefer Wendy's and Checkers.

Knocked out the Star vs The Forces of Evil commission, and now the next story on the docket is Resident Evil related.

Need to find a show to watch after doing my Red Dwarf watch through.... rather it not be an hour long show.

Final Fantasy XIII Achievements

  • Instrument of Survival: Evaded pursuers, though memories of the past still gave chase.
  • Instrument of Rebellion: Made plans to infiltrate enemy-occupied territory

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Skullgirls 2nd Encore and other notes

Tonight's stream of Skullgirls saw us getting through five of the six story modes, all that is left is Black Dahlia, which we'll have to save for next Monday. The amount of dialog exchanges that takes place in the stories for Squibbly, Big Band, and Eliza really drew things out, then Umbrella and Annie's were voiced. Still is was a solid night, and I don't have to consider changing the weekly line up. We also picked up a new follower because we were playing Skullgirls which was awesome.

Tomorrow night we're back to Final Fantasy XIII with the start of chapter six!

For tonight's raid we dropped in on misscammi316 who was playing Smite

Work was solid tonight, knocked out several interviews on a study covering issues up in North Jersey

Finished my watch through of Red Dwarf, and the Promise Land movie was awesome. The moonlight scene with Lister and Rimmer was very touching.

Finished the WWE related story early in the morning and got to work on the Star vs The Forces of Evil commission, and I'm about 30% done writing it. Basically in the middle of its action sequences.

Skullgirls 2nd Encore Achievements

  • Prima Donna: Sopranos should always be center stage.
  • Until You Next Awaken: It would appear they've become quite inseparable.
  • Not What It Used To Be - But Neither Am I: This city and he, they've been through a lot.
  • Threads of Fate: Follow all threads of fate to their inevitable conclusions.
  • Let Them All Bathe In My Glory: It is time for a new kingdom, and a new age! This world so badly needs a wake-up call.
  • Season Finale!: The adventure continues, with friends new and old, next time on "Annie of the Stars"!
  • Siblings Unite: I'll protect you, and you'll protect me!

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Overwatch 2 and other notes

We had a fun night of Overwatch 2 this evening as we were joined by PandaSweet for every single match. We certainly  ran into our fair share of questionable teammaes. Characters I used were JunkerQueen, Dva, Cassidy, Hanzo,, Windowmaker, Tracer and several other characters.

Tomorrow night we're returning to Skullgirls to finish all the story mode runs we need to do (and to basically make Skullgirls 'reviewable' for my YouTube channel)

For the raid we dropped in on brittballs who was playing Celeste

Finished Series 12 of Red Dwarf and now just have to watch The Promise Land movie. Looking forward to watching it this week.

Did some grocery shopping today, picked up all the goodies!

Nearly finished the WWE Short Story commission, but wrestling stories are not fun to right so it's taking longer than needed to finish.

Final Fantasy XIII and other notes

Tonight's stream of Final Fantasy XIII saw us get further than I ever did with my original PlayStation 3 play through as a) I learned where I could grind CP, b) got real comfortable switching between the various roles and c) had the strategy guide to get a good idea of how to deal with various enemies, including the boss at the end of chapter five. I did save the game before we launched into chapter six, because I want to open the next time we play Final Fantasy XIII with an achievement.

Speaking of which, Final Fantasy XIII returns on Tuesday night's stream.

Also, big thank you to the two folks who followed during the s tream!

Tomorrow's stream will feature Overwatch 2.

For tonight's raid we dropped in on psudonym who was playing Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth,

I caught up on a lot of sleep today, granted I should've done some groceries.

Didn't get much writing done on a WWE related story for a commission, but I'll be working on that before I go to sleep tonight.

 Final Fantasy XIII Achievements

  • Instrument of Vengeance: Resolved to be more than a victim of circumstance.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Ghost of Tsushima and other notes

Tonight's stream of Ghost of Tsushima started a little late because I was waiting on dinner to arrive, because I kind of fell asleep in the early afternoon and didn't have time to make something. We spent most of the night roaming around, advancing one of the main stories and exploring, seeing what areas we can find and doing the side quests. Did get one trophy tonight.

Our next stream on Saturday will feature Final Fantasy XIII as we pick up things in Chapter 4.

For the raid we dropped in on rumhamshmah who was playing Smite

Work was okay tonight except for the fact that nap I took resulted in me oversleeping, so I lost an hour... but I was productive in getting several interviews done.

Finished a major commission story earlier in the day based on Resident Evil 4, next story on the docket is based around WWE... (sigh)

Did pick up Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League and Yakuza: Like A Dragon, obviously one of those were on sale

Ghost of Tsushima (PS4) Trophies

  • Open for Business: Successfully Stagger enemies 50 times.

Friday, February 2, 2024

Final Fantasy XIII and other notes

We had a solid stream tonight as we knocked out all of Chapter 3 of Final Fantasy XIII, and I quickly realized that farming enemies and gaining CP is going to determine a lot when it comes to leveling up our cast of characters, because I remember what Chapter 4 involves, with Lighting and Hope having a major boss fight... which was one of the last things I did when I played the PS3 version of the game over a decade ago. I forgot that Snow stays behind, but we gained Shiva (even if that resulted in our first game over of the play through). 

Final Fantasy XIII will return on Saturday's stream, which of course is our longest nigh of the week to focus on our major game.

Tomorrow night we are playing Ghost of Tushima, as we shall roam the country side, looking for enemies and side things to do while avoiding the main story as much as possible

For the raid we dropped in on pradoxgamerau who was playing Enshrouded 

We did have work tonight, but it was full of technical problems that had us logging in and out constantly. Still things got off to a hot start before momentum was derailed.

Filed my taxes, and considering the major chunk H&R Block takes, I think I'll be getting enough back to cover the 2nd quarter taxes on my house. So nope, not getting a PS5 as some would assume.

Currently working on a commission request based on Resident Evil 4, and it's coming together quite nicely all things considered.

I did notice that six out of the next ten commission requests are WWE related... you can guess how many times I slammed my head into my desk when I also realized that four of them are back-to-back-to-back-to-back!

Final Fantasy XIII Achievements

  • Instrument of Flight: Slipped through the net and lived to fight another day.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Sea of Thieves and other notes

Tonight's stream of Sea of Thieves went well as we tried to do knock out the second quest in the Piratesof the Caribbean ark, but we had a few hangs ups. We defeated the Siren Queen but the quest didn't complete, so we may have to do that again next time we play. Big thanks to Iceman and Striker for being apart of the crew!

Also big thanks to Kalenal for the raid following their stream of Final Fantasy XIV

Tomorrow night I'm back to Final Fantasy XIII, I also managed to get my hands on a the physical strategy guide. Which should make things easier to some degree.

For the raid we dropped in on lilmoolah_ who was playing Cyberpunk 2077

We had a solid night of work as we closed out this New York focused assignment, and now we hope for another one to come.

Now I do have a bunch of commission stories to tackle, and the NCAA related one is about 75% finished, if I knock that out good and early tomorrow I can jump right into a Resident Evil commission request that should could come very handy for groceries this week.

Currently in the middle of season eleven of Red Dwarf, and I love that Rimmer character arc regarding who is father is was not discarded.