Saturday, January 27, 2024

South Park The Fractured But Whole and other notes

Tonight we put the finishing touches on South Park The Fractured But Wole wrapping up the final Mintberry Crunch DLC story and going after Morgan Freeman to get one more achievement. The squad I  took into that fight was Mintberry Crunch, Call Girl and Henrietta, all three of which was able to apply buffs and debuffs which made the fight doable with only two of them being knocked out at any point in time. There are three achievements left in the game, but we can save those for a future play through.

Now that wasn't the whole stream, we did play some Smite, and big thanks to Striker for being apart of a few matches. We won three and lost three I think, so it evened out, as I played as Nike and Athena. Did accidentally turn off auto-purchasing of items, which certainly put me in a bind in a couple of bouts.

Tomorrow night we're playing Overwatch as is the Sunday night tradition. Did work more ranked matches this weeks, but not too many bouts on role queue to avoid playing damage in ranked bouts.

For tonight's raid we dropped in on Kalenal who was playing Final Fantasy XIV

Since we're done with South Park: The Fractured But Whole, Monday night we will be playing Skullgirls 2nd Encore and going through a few story modes for various characters in a bit of achievement hunting. 

Tuesday night however, we will be starting up Final Fantasy XIII. Now I have played this game a bit many years ago prior to my original PlayStation 3 dying on me, so basically we will be going into it blind! I remember the combat system being quite difficulty to understand.

Got some writing done on a SubscribeStar commission tier story today, which is WWE related, I hope to have it finished before tomorrow's stream.

Nearly finished season eight of Red Dwarf, just have one more episode to watch, and then it's the jump to the more modern seasons.

South Park: The Fractured but Whole Achievements

  • Farts over Freckles: Picked a fight with Morgan Freeman and defeated him

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