Sunday, January 21, 2024

Overwatch 2 and other notes

Tonight's stream of Overwatch was the usual bit of madness as we were joined by PandaSweet, Odeu and BangBangBang for various matches. We had a good mix of wins and losses. Tonight I played as Moira, Junker Queen, Bastion, Torbjourn, Ashe, Reaper, Sombra and several others

Tomorrow night we're resuming South Park The Fractured But Whole. 

For the raid tonight we dropped in on Kalenal who was playing Final Fantasy XIV 

Electric and Water bills have been paid, so now just got to put more of a credit on my Internet bill to stay ahead of that.

Did some grocery shopping today picked up all the usual stuff.

Finally got paid on the NFL story commission from last week, and now just have one outstanding.

Knocked out the NBA commission today (and got paid for it the same day, thankfully)

Next story commission is AEW related, in fact I got a couple of wrestling related stories in the upcoming queue... which is always at the end of the month or start of the month... ugh.

Good night folks!

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