Saturday, January 6, 2024

Catherine: Full Body and other notes

Tonight's stream of Catherine: Full Body saw us clearing the first four floors (we made it past the first baby chase on the fourth floor), and I'm enjoying how the expanded story with Rin flushes a lot of things out. On this play through I'm trying not to align to heavily with Katherine, with the worst case scenario being to go with Catherine if I can't figure out how to end up with Rin. We'll be continuing it on next Friday's stream.

Tomorrow's stream will feature Stray Gods: The Role-Playing Musical

For tonight's raid, we dropped in on MissCammi316 who was playing Dead By Daylight

Catherine: Full Body Trophies

  • And So It Begins...: Survive the first nightmare.
  • Use It or Lose It: Use an item for the first time. (Golden Playhouse only)
  • Let's Try That Again: Use an UNDO. (Golden Playhouse only)
  • Squeaky Clean: Wash your face in the bar's bathroom.
  • Don't Drink Too Much, Okay?: Order another glass of alcohol.
  • Tonight's Song Is...: Play a song on the bar's jukebox.
  • Budding Shopper: Purchase an item for the first time. 

Another day with no work, but I got paid for for the last two weeks of December so I was able to load up on groceries and get one of the quarterly bills paid. 

On the story front, finished a Spider-Man commission request, and am now working on an NFL related one, which may take until Sunday to finish based on the outline I was given.

Finally made up my mind in bringing down a case of water to keep in the basement. 

We're partially expecting snow tomorrow, hopefully we get none of it in my area!

Good night!

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