Tuesday, October 3, 2023

The Evil Within 2 and other notes

Hi everyone,

Tonight's of The Evil Within 2 saw us make a good deal of progress, dealing with Stefano early on and then learning there's another dude behind everything. Sebastian blowing his personal demons away was a nice touch, but the convoluted with Myra and Kidman apparently plotting  the downfall of Mobius, which is something I can't wrap my head around. But again, the plot of Survivor Horror games are never the strong point.

Our next stream will be around 9:30 PM Eastern on Tuesday as we'll put up towards the end of Chapter 11 (because we did deal with the Liam boss fight). And of course the stream will be over on twitch.tv/fredcasden

The Evil Within 2 Achievements

  • Premature Finale: Shut down a bloody performance.
  • Kick, Shoot, Burn: Killed 2 or more enemies at once using oil on the ground.
  • Another Ally: Survived an ordeal with the help of a new friend.
  • Caffeine Addict: Used every Coffee Maker at least once.
  • Finally Free: Experienced every traumatic encounter and made peace with your inner demons. 

For the raid we went over to twitch.tv/lilmoolah_ who was doing a new playthrough of Cyberpunk 2077

Had a job interview today that looks like will go no where, mostly due to the distance of where the location is in relation to bus stops, which sucks. Was told they do have some remote position opening up in the near future... so... maybe I can get in on that.

Work tonight was solid, two interviews and a fairly straight forward evening. Had the choice of doing afternoons or nights, but since the assignment is the same on both shifts, I'll just roll on the evening train.

Have to remember to take another trip to the post office to mail off my ballot for the General Election this week.

Finished the latest chapter for my Persona story and knocked out another commission request for a WWE story... and the next one is also WWE related. Hell at least I know the ones coming down the line will focus on other genres (thank goodness)

Saw that the Overwatch Halloween event will tie in with Diablo, and the new Moira skin looks fucking awesome!

So on that note, have a good night folks!

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