Saturday, September 2, 2023

The Last of Us Part 2 and other notes

Hi everyone,

With it being Labor Day weekend, I was already griping about having a three day weekend,  but then work got cancelled to give everyone a four day weekend. Seems nice right? Not when you're like me and taking every hour you can get.

Oh well, we did start the stream tonight at 7 PM and we finished The Last of Us Part 2, in fact the stream ended a couple minutes after midnight after realizing how short the final act of the game is . I really have a lot of positive things to say about this game, in fact I would dare say it's one of the best games I've played this year, which is saying a lot when one considers Saints Row, Final Fantasy VII Remake and Persona 3 Portable are on that same list.

I really don't see where people had a problem with TLOU2, unless you're were MAGA Hate wearing, Trump Loving, transphobic, homophobic cuck with a small dick, there's no reason to hate on this game, because everything about address the biggest problems with the first game to such a large degree it actually made me the world building. 

While it may be quite some time until I do, I wouldn't mind replaying The Last of Us Part 2 down the road to get some trophies that can only be done in a New Game Plus run.

The Last of Us Part II Trophies

  • High Caliber: Find all weapons
  • What I Had to Do: Complete the story

So what is replacing The Last of Us Part 2 on Friday nights going forward? Well Horizon Zero Dawn is what I selected, and yeah we could say that 2023 is the year for me playing open world games. I heard a lot of good things about HZD, so I hope it lives up to the hype.

For the raid we went over to who was playing Path of Exile

Our next stream is scheduled for 5 PM Eastern on Saturday with the continuation of Cyberpunk 2077.

Got a lot of writing done today, finished one commission story based on current day WWE and got started on another one, and I have one for Resident Evil in line as well. So yeah, three stories ended up being put in the queue.

Got some dinner from a local joined called Donkey's Place, which has these great cheese-steak sandwiches, which I haven't had in a long time. Also realized they sell shirts as well, which I was rocking on tonight's stream.

So on that note have a good night!

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