Sunday, August 6, 2023

Overwatch and other notes

Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream of Overwatch 2 saw lots of wins and losses, but some very questionable teammates as well. There was one match where I was Wrecking Ball and the team didn't push past the first choke on Blizzard World, despite me getting behind the other team and reaching the objective to cause them to turn around. Then there  matches where folks just stay as Widowmaker until the last 40 seconds instead of swapping off her in order to give more direct help in a team fight to win a match.

On the other hand, I picked up a play of the game as Ana & Junker Queen and even an achievement as Sigma, completing his set from when he was added to the game. Other characters used included, Reinhardt, Tracer, Ashe, Moira, Mercy and a few others. 

Big thanks to PandaSweet for being apart of the fun this week for many of the matches!

Overwatch 2 Achievements

  • Event Horizon: Get 3 killing blows during a single use of Sigma's Gravitic Flux in Quick or Competitive Play.

For the raid we checked out misscammi316 who was playing Dead by Daylight over on

Recorded the 10th an final video for my series of watching and reacting to Hellsing Ultimate Abridged, and made the decision not to do a series involving Dragon Ball Z Abridged. There just isn't as much meat on the bone with DBZA that I could talk about in regards to my knowledge of references.

Ordered some take out again, because I puttered around in the Kitchen a lot today, and the Doro Dash driver recognized me from High School... which was amazing, considering they were a year behind when I graduated and, they were in a different shop class. So either I aged surprisingly well

Yes it does bother me that my father has turned into a transphobic right wing nut case.

Finished the Metal Gear Rising short story commission and it was a challenged because of how that franchise handles particular details. There is a possibility there will be an AEW story commission done in the near future as well.

Got a job interview tomorrow (Monday) at noon... I hope it goes well... thankfully it' a remote interview.

Our next stream is scheduled for 9:30 PM Eastern time over on and we'll feature the story mode of Mortal Kombat X, which is perfect considering how lack luster every single announcement for Mortal Kombat 1 has been. The start time is under the assumption I have work of course. If not, we'll probably start early.

So on that note, I'm heading to bed, good night everyone!

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