Sunday, July 23, 2023

Playing Gotham Knights As Only Batgirl Was Worth It

 Hi everyone,

So on back to back streams we finished up big open world super hero games, as we finished Gotham Knights and to my amazement, we knocked out 85% of the game's base achievements, which does leave me wondering if I should go the extra mile to get the remaining achievements, some of which involves searching all over Gotham for collectables, problem is that searching for them will involve referring to maps and stuff on a second screen.

Anyway, the build up to the reveal that Talia Al Guhl was using a Lazarus Pit to revive Bruce Wayne was pretty obvious to an extent, but it basically serves how far Bat Family has come since Batman's death to surpass him in a one on one fight. I do kind of feel the plot pacing falls apart once the raid on Kane Tower, since everything feels kind of rushed to an extent. 

Now since I did the entire play through as Batgirl, it meant we saw her character evolve from her doubts and concerns to being confident and declaring herself to the new Knight of Gotham. This really shows off in the end credits, where all the costumes I elected to have her wear was shown during key story moments. It actually makes the choice of sticking with one character matter in terms of the adventure from start to finish.

Gotham Knights Achievements

  • Voiceless: Complete Case File 06: JACOB KANE
  • Expert Crime Fighter: Prevent 250 crimes in Gotham City
  • Out of Their League: Defeat 45 League of Shadows Assassins and 30 Rocketeers
  • Drone You Out: Defeat 30 Regulator Drone Masters
  • Family Meeting: Defeat 30 Mob Godmothers
  • Seeking Asylum: Complete Case File 07: THE LEAGUE OF SHADOWS
  • A Momentum Occasion: Unlock all Momentum Abilities as Batgirl, Robin, Nightwing, or Red Hood
  • Bat Out of Hell: Complete every Batcycle time trial
  • Gotham Knight: Complete Case File 08: HEAD OF THE DEMON
  • Practice Makes Perfect: Complete all 16 Training Area exercises
  • Dressed to Impress: Craft a complete set of Legendary equipment (Suit, Melee Weapon, Ranged Weapon)
  • The Man-Bat Family: Defeat 10 Man-Bats in Gotham City

For the raid we dropped in on Kalenal who was playing Final Fantasy XIV over at

Not completely sure what the next major game is going to be on the Xbox side, but with two live service game scheduled for de-listing just to get the footage of them. We'll see what ends up happening.

Ordered some take out from Checkers... and they screwed up my drink order... again...

Since I played Star Trek Prodigy Supernova last year, I made sure to grab the entire first season digitally on Amazon. Would be nice to watch the series and actually understand the general relationship between the main cast. 

Finished the Mass Effect short story commission, and got the go ahead to do another one this time featuring EDI in the spotlight, which was something that was being built towards.

Out next stream is scheduled for 7 PM Eastern on Sunday night, with Overwatch 2! So on that note, we'll see you later over on!

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