Sunday, July 2, 2023

It was a hot night

Hi everyone,

We wrapped up our stream a bit after 11 PM Tonight, having a fun night of Overwatch 2 with PandaSweet and a new friend to the channel Zander, who certainly made things easy by driving things home in the role of a tank. I picked up two plays of the game tonight one as Brigitte and the other as Bastion, while also playing as Ana, Moira, Tracer, Torbjourn, Junker Queen, Wrecking Ball, Ashe, Mei and a few others. Mostly kept to the Support and Damage roles this week.

Speaking of Plays of the Game, the compilation video for all the ones I earned in June is now up on my YouTube channel.

For the raid we dropped in on annietalksshow who was playing Pico Park over on

Damn near lost my voice dealing with Comcast Xfinity during the morning as my internet connection went down three times in a short span. Being forced to use the app to get to someone proved to be a nightmare because of a) how long it takes to even try finding the chat, b) being connected to people who are not call ready and c) being denied the opportunity to be connected to a supervisor.

Star Trek Resurgence finally got a patch update to fix the two broken achievements for completing Acts I and II, but you have to play through them again. I did start a new play through off stream to knock out several achievements on alternate choices

We got confirmation that my cousin will be apart of the fun on Saturday's stream! For sure we may dive into things on the Nintendo Switch or via the Xbox Series console (since it' closer to where the TV is).

It was so fucking hot and muggy as if it was going to rain, but it never did near as I can tell. Also was the first day I actually smelled all that smoke and bad air particles.

Spoke with my brother during the afternoon to check on him and also get confirmation on a day trip to visit our aunt up in North Jersey. That will be during the day on the 29th of July, and we should be back in time for that stream. 

Our next stream will be in the early evening on Monday night, as we'll be looking to finish Terminator Resistance! 

So with that note, we'll see you over on!

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