Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Terminator Resistance Is Perfectly Mediocre

Hi Everyone,

Tonight's stream certainly ran long ending at 2 AM, which was longer than I expected but Terminator Resistance proved to be a mediocre game that was just interesting enough to see if I could get further than I did, as I knocked out about 10 and a half chapters, and there are 28 chapters in the game (from near as I can tell). The game does look good, but it's fairly straight forward. There is a nice progression to the story, but all the sneaking around goes against everything I normally do when playing most FPS.

Now of course we're playing it on the lowest possible difficulty to give ourselves the best chance of actually making it through the game while doing as many of the side quests as possible, and let me  tell ya, I would not stand a chance playing on Normal, there are too many variables and  keeping an eye out for the enemies is rather  tough since it impedes how quickly you can move.

I do like the few references there are to the Terminator films, such as being able to name a dog Max or Wolfie, and the entire story being based around the early infiltrator units is interesting.  I could do without the lock picking gimmick, as it reminds me too much of Fallout 76!

Terminator Resistance Achievements

  • Close Call: Escape from Pasadena with other survivors.
  • Journalist: Find a note.
  • Handyman: Successfully craft 5 items.
  • Not a Mission Priority: Complete a side objective.
  • Easy Money: Successfully open 10 locks.
  • Helping Hand: Successfully hack a Turret.
  • Taste of Your Own Medicine: Get an enemy killed by a hacked Turret.
  • Contact: Make contact with the imprisoned Resistance Soldiers.
  • Hasta la vista, baby: Destroy your first T-800.
  • Coming Home: Find the South Division’s Resistance Shelter.
  • Tinker: Upgrade your weapon.
  • Researcher: Take at least a ‘good’ photo of an enemy.
  • Hacker: Successfully hack 10 devices.
  • Blackout: Destroy a Skynet Outpost.
  • Priority to Me!: Complete 5 side objectives.
  • Efficient Killer: Kill a Terminator using a Termination Knife.
  • It’s a bird...: Destroy T-800 Flamethrower by shooting its fuel tank.
  • Historian: Find 10 notes.

For the raid we dropped in on SweetLindir who was playing Paladins over at twitch.tv/sweetlindir

I accidentally deleted all of the Plays of the Game for Overwatch this month... now you might think they go to my PC's recycling bin, but I do the Crtl-Del.. DAMN! 

Finished the Mass Effect short story commission finally... it was really a disjointed mess by the time I finished.

Out next stream on Tuesday night will be at at 9:30 PM Eastern and we'll continue Terminator: Resistance, with my first goal being to take down a massive enemy so I don't have to worry about behind stepped on

So we'll see you then over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!

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