Sunday, June 4, 2023

Old friends from the Army & New Friends in Overwatch

Hi everyone,

Today was a good day, got to talk with a friend from my short military career for two hours super early this morning, talking about life, anime and all sorts of stuff.

Last night's stream of Overwatch was incredibly awesome, for one we ended up playing with a full team of five, big thanks to PandaSweet, Beefstwer, Xlilplayer and others for being apart of the fun tonight. I had seven plays of the game, but was only able to save five of them because only the top five plays are saved on the console side, while on the PC side I could hit a button to mark POTGs to be saved. Overall I had plays of the game as Ashe, Junker Queen, Bastion, and Reinhardt, with other characters used including Tracer, Orisa, Zarya, Wrecking Ball, Torbjourn, Widowmaker and others.

Seriously, though once playing with a full squad is different than playing with randoms, because then I start focusing and worrying about my own play to make sure I fulfill the functions of my role, switching characters if certain match-ups aren't working. It really made for a rarely seen experience on stream where I'm blaming myself for some of the failures I'm having but at the same time I have a team that can have my back as I try to get the ball rolling.

We also picked up a achievements as, as I continue to somehow get in this game at the randomness of moments.

Overwatch 2 Achievements

  • Shot Down: Prevent 1250 damage with a single use of's Defense Matrix in Quick or Competitive Play.

For the raid we dropped in on  princesspashley who was playing The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom over at and too much shock, she never heard the song Fire by the Crazy World of Arthur Brown, but it did lead to a moment where she is battling out again an enemy that is spitting fire at her as the song is playing.

Got a lot of writing done on that AEW Commission request and picked up a couple of new followers on the SubscribeStar page, which is nice. I should have that story finished sometime on Monday.

Speaking of Monday I have a couple of goals I want to do, mostly taking the lawn trimmer out into the yard and giving that a once over, making some pasta for dinner the next couple of days.

Monday's stream might start at 9:30 PM Eastern if I see there are hours available, if not it'll start at 6:30 PM, since I haven't worked Mondays in quite a few years. For sure at this point Tuesday to Friday's streams will start at 9:30 PM Eastern.

And the agenda for Monday night will be resuming Persona 3 Portable, picking up from where we left off in Tarturus last Tuesday with the objective of getting to the needed floor and deadling with the next big boss battle, while putting us in position to deal with the next big story arc.

So on that note we'll see ya'll over at in the evening at either 6:30 PM or 9:30 PM

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