Thursday, June 8, 2023

An Okay Day

Hi everyone,

Well the air quality sure was interesting today thanks to the fires up in Canada and the air particles making their way down to South Jersey, I will admit, I didn't smell them till probably about 9 PM Eastern.

Work was alright, getting the hours I could snag, getting one interview completed made me feel productive, which is also nice.

Started to go through some of my mom's dresser drawers to throw out obvious stuff like undergarments and socks, really was the first time in months I spent more than a couple of minutes in what was her room. It was... tough to say the least, as I fought the urge to cry.

The stream opened with Resident Evil 6, with Iceman along for the fun following a few difficulties in getting the party invite to work. We knocked out all of Leon's Campaign Chapter 3 in about an hour and the first two big sections of Chapter 4 (the airplane and the tyrant like thing). Since I'm playing as Helena, it means I get to do all the stuff the A.I. would do, which is kind of fun. 

Now we did have a few deaths,as being in the catacombs certainly leads to a lot of 'what the hell do we do' now moments. I could've done without the swimming section. The giant fish creature was kind of cool to deal with. We did discuss how RE6 was a bit to ambitious for its own good, but with how silly it can get, I'm really enjoying it.

Resident Evil 6 Achievements

  • Zombie Massacre: Defeat 500 zombies.
  • Get on the Plane: Complete Chapter 3 in Leon's campaign.

After we were done Resident Evil 6, I jumped into Fall Guys in pursuite of the final achievement I need to get in that game, and if I understand some achievement guides correctly, if a Duo or Squad finishes in first place in race rounds via points it counts to the 20 first place finishes needed to get the final achievement unlocked. Here's hoping, as we were apart of a couple of squads that did finish in first place!

For the raid we dropped everyone off with tokushoutsu during the marathone of Ultraman 80 over at

The plan for Thursday night's stream is to finish Mass Effect, we have the back end of Noveria to do, and then it'll be off to Illos to the final push to wrap up this play through of the Xbox 360 version of the game.

So on that note we'll see you at 9:30 PM Eastern over on!

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