Friday, June 16, 2023

A full night of Street Fighter 6's World Tour Mode

Hi everyone,

We finished tonight's stream about an hour ago as I'm writing this, and we focused fully on the World Tour mode of Street Fighter 6, meeting various legendary fighters (Ken, Ryu, Guile, Zangief, Jamie and others) and progressed the story in a big way, doing everything we can as it relates to side quests. The story does seem to be split between a data card and the mystery of Bosch's whereabouts. 

One thing I did notice is that there is a need to have various attires to progress the story, such as a full judo gi outfit is needed to go to France to meet Lady Gaga I mean Maron, plus a need for a construction hat to get into the construction site to meet Ken, but thankfully the game goes out of it way to make sure you have the items... but there does seem to be a bit of a glitch if you have items as appearance only. I'm going to assume Capcom wasn't considering people figuring out the display only for options in regards to cut scenes.

Also there is some real bullshit when it comes to some of the optional fights, such as the jack ass with the sword... I ended up using quite a few healing items.

I do feel like we'll be able to get the Side Quests achievement the next time we play the World Tour Mode on stream, because the next set are behind the progression of the story, which I want to do on stream.

I did consider jumping into the Battle Hub, but with how much there is to do in World Tour mode, we didn't get a chance to do any head to head matches last night.

For the raid we dropped in on annietalksshow who was playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe over at

Work was okay, if rather mundane and made more difficulty because of an bug where the font shrank to where I could barely read it. Does amaze me how so many folks don't want to get compensated for doing a very straight forward study.

Also found out there will be no work on Monday in celebration of Juneteenth, which means we'll be able to start early that day in make sure we knock out a lot of Persona 3 Portable

So the plan for Friday night's stream will be Heavy Rain, with the goal to finish our first play through of it. I'll have to turn on the PS4 early to make sure the wireless controller is fully charged. I will not be shocked if the stream ends up going long.

The stream will start at 9:30 PM Eastern, so on that note we'll see you over on!

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