Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Later Start Time, Same Old Fred

Good morning everyone,

So yesterday we had work for the first time in few weeks, but it was at a later time which pushed the start of the streams back to 9:30 PM, which will be the norm for the foreseeable future. But the good news is the assignment we got just involves us 'trying' to be productive, because of how impossibly tight the requirements are for anyone to even qualify for the research that is being conducted. 

Last night's stream of Persona 3 Portable was pretty shocking in regards to how much we actually got done. We saw the summer trip to Mitsuru's family summer home, and I can see how much much was gutted for Persona 3 conversion to be on the PlayStation Portable because I can imagine how over the top some things were from beyond a visual novel perspective, including Aigis's big reveal, which is surprisingly understated. Now what helped things progress was how an entire week in-game was dedicated to 'training' for track event

This meant we were able to get to another extended trip through Tartarus, getting up to Floor 89, while leveling up to 31, which puts us slightly ahead of the pace of the game I believe in terms of dealing with enemies. Now we had Mitsuru, Aigis and Yukari in the squad, mostly based on a guide's recommendation, which really helped in regard to the enemies encounter being vulnerable to their abilities and attacks. 

Next time we play, we're going to open in Tartarus to try and get Junpei and Akihiko caught up, as they are level 23 and 26, making them kind of weak going forward. Plus there are a couple of quests for Elizabeth we might try and go for.

Persona 3 Portable Achievements

  • True Supporter: Max out a Social Link.
  • Head of the Class: Rank #1 in your class on an exam.

For the raid we went over to maximilian_dood who was doing a Street Fighter Legacy over at

The plan for tonight's stream is Resident Evil 5 with Iceman, and we'll see about Fall Guys in the second half, since my schedule now favors finishing streams towards 1:30 to 2 AM in the morning. 

The producers at Blizzard who over seen Overwatch basically said that making PVE content is too hard for them, and that they are going to half-ass PVE story content going forward. Which really is disheartening since the PVE content is what everyone was excited about when Overwatch 2 was announced.

Recorded the final DVD inventory video for my YouTube channel, and recorded three Star Trek Online videos as well. Now what will end up as the Wednesday series of exclusive content is up in the air, but the STO videos will be on Monday mornings, with each mission being done one at a time.

Didn't get any writing done yesterday, but we'll see about doing some today, because I did get busy with those different projects.

Did get back in touch with Kristi this morning, which was a great way to start the day!

So on that note we'll see you later over on

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