Saturday, April 1, 2023

Being Spider-Man Chasing Pigeons

Good afternoon everyone,

Work was really bleh yesterday, I didn't mind it too much, but man, trying to interview New Yorkers is like pulling teeth... a lot of pain with little reward. Still at least next week everyone should be on the same playing field.

As for last night's stream, well a big focus was spent on side content, dealing with all the Demon thug encounters across the map, then finishing the last of the Osborn science labs, and finally progressing the story to where Peter is evicted from his apartment and Martin Li makes his move as Mr. Negative as well as the Batman-like origin story for Miles Morales. Basically we finished Act 1 with huge chunks of the side-stuff already done which is really cool and of course shows off the approach I take in games like this. Do everything you can before advancing the plot means the odds of getting achievements is higher.

And that paid off as I picked up 10 achievements last night, with the most pain in the ass one being the one involving finding Howard's Pigeons. Now don't get me wrong, I like the web-swining aspect of Spider-Man just fine... however trying to chase pigeons was a real pain the ass since they can change elevation rather easily. Still, very few people bothered doing the quest it, only 13% of players finishing it.  At this point I have 51% of the base game trophies unlocked.

Marvel's Spider-Man Trophies

  • Arachnophobia: Perform 75 Stealth Takedowns
  • R&D: Complete all Research Stations
  • Cat's Out of the Bag: Collect a Black Cat collectible
  • Cat Prints: Track down Black Cat
  • Pigeon Hunter: Catch all of Howard's Pigeons
  • Demons Emerge: Complete Act 1
  • With Great Power...: Pay respects at Ben Parker's grave
  • Born to Ride: Ride the Subway 5 times
  • Hero for Higher: Perch atop Avengers Tower
  • Science FTW!: Craft 15 Upgrades

For the raid we dropped in on tokushoutsu during the marathon of  Kamen Rider Kuuga over at

The plan for tonight's stream is more Elder Scrolls Online as Striker and I will continue our misadventures.

Of course, Striker told me next week he'll be out of town to go see some the Anaheim Angels face the Toronto Blue Jays, so we're going to flip the nights Elder Scrolls Online and Spider-Man, with ESO on Friday and Spider-Man on Saturday.

Marvel's Avengers is coming to the end of its poorly thought out 'game as a service' life later this year and all of the premium content is being unlocked for free. So yeah I did re-install the game on my Xbox One just to log in and claim all the goodies. Which means I'll keep the big box collectors edition for the PS4 I got during the Square Enix permanently sealed. Also managed to get an achievement that apparently was glitched way back in 2020!

Marvel's Avengers Achievements

  • Trying on Perfection: Earn a 100% rating on a mission without any team member being downed

Yes I did do the dishes after last night's stream.. haha

Also made one of those insta-pasta packets for tonight's dinner. Seemed like a nice alternative and it'll go well with pop corn shrimp. 

Did a fair bit of writing as it relates to the Mass Effect short story commission, I should be able to finish it before tonight's stream.

Got a new toilet brush, and it should be impossible for me to snap the handle on it (still not sure how i snapped the old one's handle in the first place)

Watched Strange Brew last night... such a hilarious movie, all I know about Canadian culture I learned from watching this movie... and old SCTV re-runs (I'm kidding)

This weeks Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star stats are as follows...

  • Punches Thrown: 10681
  • Estimated Calorie Burn: 4000.01 kcal
  • Fitness Age: 18
  • Achievements Unlocked" 60%

 And on that note we'll see you later over on

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