Thursday, February 23, 2023

Pizza, Close Calls and Gears

 Good morning everyone,

Yesterday was a good day of work, as I was able to complete two full interviews and nearly had a third, so I kind of found how who to ask for that would be knowledgeable.Here's hoping the good fortune continues to today.

Huge thank you to my Cousin Frances and Aunt Grace with sending me a pizza, a cheesesteak and some chicken wings. That was an awesome surprise. Nearly ate the whole pizza on stream... but I behaved a little... saved two slices for today. Hey there is a reason I weigh 240 pounds folks... I can eat... A LOT!

Last night's stream opened with Fall Guys, and first we have to say thank you to FelKimchi for being apart of a lot of the matches, in which we came very very close to winning. In fact, Felkimchi nearly carried us to a win in the last show we played  as my timing was off quite a bit all night. 

We also played Gears of War 2, and of course we were joined by Iceman for that, as we covered From Act 2 Chapter five up to the start of Act 3 Chapter 5. Despite playing on Normal Difficulty, we had very little trouble getting through these parts, there were a few deaths but mostly due to timing (such as with the giant worm's teeth) or bad luck (crashing the tank into a hole on the ice lake), but the combat was very straight forward. Outside of crashing the tank, we didn't have any issues getting past the tower, at least not as compared to three years ago.

Way Ice figures, we'll probably finish Gears of War 2 within two streams, possibly three depending on how some of the more intense areas go.

For the raid we dropped in on Oldish22 who was playing One Piece Odyssey over at

Found a six-button controller for a Sega Genesis last night, as well as the Tiger Electronics hand held version of Street Fighter II. When I say my mom kept the oddest of things, I wasn't kidding.

Did a bit of writing on the next Subscribstar exclusive story, which is based on Star Trek The Next Generation, and I'm trying to get it to be as close to 3000 words as possible.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Advanced Combo #1, Difficulty Challenge Combo #3 and Sway Back Combo.

"What did one hat say to the other?" "Stay here! I'm going on ahead."

Song of the Day:Straight Up by Paula Abdul

For tonight's stream, we're going to play Hades, and my goal will be to try and compelte and escape, but also grind for the items to unlock various abilities and ides for the house of Hades.

So on that note, we'll see you later over on

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