Friday, February 3, 2023

Good times with friends

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream of Final Fantasy XIV was a lot of fun, we did the Valentine's Day event to start, plus a trip through an Alliance Raid, normal raid, a trial and a few side quests before being joined by PandaSweet and BangBangBang to do 'treasure maps'. Panda trying to explain how to these was certainly a comedy of errors, so I just made her leader of the party and things rolled from there. Most of the maps were in Elpis, and were quite fun. If doing maps becomes a regular thing I do on FF14 nights... I think I'll have Panda be in charge while I tag along (lol) 

Oh an specifically regarding the Valentine's event, the little story was pretty cool regarding the comfort the emissaries had in how they preferred to dress, any cameo by Puddingway is always a good thing... and the little 'queued' instances involving navigating a maze without breaking a connection plus a little match game

For the raid we dropped in on SweetLindir while they were doing some DnD style board games over at at least i think it was DnD style, I was totally confused 

I tried reaching out to my Uncle Mark yesterday to check on my Aunt Rona since she caught Covid during their recent trip to Florida. Their voice mail was full, so I sent a text.  

Did speak with my Uncle Freddy this morning who had some very kind words to say about the speech I gave at mom's funeral

The Addams Family short story I wrote as a SubscribStar exclusive for January has been posted in the usual spots for those who know where I frequently post such works. Finished The Dragon Ball exclusive story, and started on the WWE Commission based on the results from the Royal Rumble, which is about maybe 40% done at this point.

Today's Ftiness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Block Combo, Difficult Challenge Combo 31 and Biceps Shape Focus Combo for 24 minutes.

"A skeleton walks into a bar and says, 'Hey, bartender. I'll have one beer and a mop.'"

Song of the Day: Bang The Drum All Day by Todd Rundgren

For tonight's stream we will be starting Final Fantasy VII Remake, which was slated for last Friday, but with the passing of mom... it... and many things got delayed.I made sure to install it this time, so it's ready to go for tonight

So on that note we'll see you later over on

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