Saturday, November 19, 2022

We Finished Persona 3 Dancing in Moonlight

Good afternoon everyone,

As the title states, we finished Persona 3: Dancing in Moonlight, knocking off all the remaining Social Links before doing Elizabeth's 8th one that triggers the credits. I totally forgot that I changed some things after last Friday's stream to set up going after two achievements that were only possible once Elizabeth was unlocked as a lead dancer. Now I did focus on several different aspects of things I wanted to do beyond achievement hunting, namely trying to get a Brilliant score on several songs on Normal Difficulty, some took multiple attempts to do. I could've had a King Crazy on a few songs, but the charting of the notes baffled me at the worst possible times.

On the down side, the stream was broken up into multiple parts due to sudden drops in internet download and upload speeds. In fact at 647 PM Eastern I had 10.80 Mbps Down and 0.38 Mbps Up. Now unlike Thursday night, I basically plowed through hoping we could get hour plus blocks of footage, resulting in three separate segments. Now Twitch listed my total stream time last night as 5 hours 46 minutes... however only 4 hours 36 minutes was actually broadcasted. I got more to say about this, but I'll save for when I talk about work down below.

Of course the next game we'll be playing on Fridays will be Persona 4: Dancing All-Night, and unlike its Persona 3 and 5 cousins, the Person 4 dancing game does not take place in the Velvet room, but in the 'real world'. It leans more in the visual novel style with a more fleshed out story mode. Hopefully 

Persona 3: Dancing in Moonlight Trophies

  • Best Buds: Explored all the guys' rooms.
  • The One Who Gathered the Glasses: Obtained all the pairs of glasses.
  • Fashion Monster: Obtained all the costumes.
  • The Dependable Classmates: Cleared the stages where Yukari and Junpei dance together.
  • Koromaru's Rival: Obtained all rewards from Elle-P's card search.
  • Down to the Bone: Unlocked all Custom modifiers.
  • The Party Never Stops: Made Elle-P's ball a success.
  • The Selfish Producer: Had Elle-P join the ball.
  • The Dancing Jeweler: Obtained all of the accessories.
  • It's Gotta Be You: Watched all Social events.
  • Can't Say "I Don't Care" Now: Watched every possible dance for the P3 Protagonist (Makoto Yuki).
  • The Dancing Anti-Shadow Weapon: Watched every possible dance for Aigis.
  • Dancing in Moonlight: Obtained all trophies.

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on Hawleigh who was playing Jackbox Party Packs over on

Work was rather bleh yesterday, but the noticeable thing was that exactly at 3:45 PM for the second day in a row, my internet download and upload speeds dropped significantly and this carried on through damn near the entire night, seemingly to settle down around 10:30 PM. Now I don't want to hear about 'peak hour' nonsense, because if that bullshit was actually true wouldn't I have these issues be reoccurring since everything was fixed back in September?!

Did find out that for sure I don't have work Thursday because of Thanksgiving, but Friday is up in the air because of an assignment that may start that day 

My Copy of Pokemon Violet arrived yesterday morning, and it most certainly take over the Monday slot in my Twitch line up... after we finish Star Trek Prodigy: Supernova.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Straight Combo #2, Difficult Challenge COmbo #2 and Block Combo for 31 minutes/ On a silly note, the first song in Fitness Boxing 2 to hit 100 times played is 'Don't You Worry Child' by Swedish House Mafia

Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise States For Week of 11/13 to 11/19/22

  • Punches Thrown: 8579
  • Estimated Calories Burned:3616.7 kcal
  • Sophie's Champion Progress:96% (48 out of 50 hours)
  • King EX Fight Progress: 97%
  • Fitness Boxing 2 Consecutive Days: 708
  • Fitness Boxing 1 & 2 Consecutive Days: 866

What did Blackbeard the pirate say when he turned eighty? "Aye, matey."

Song of the Day: London Calling by The Clash

For tonight's stream, which hopefully will go well with not problems, will feature a variety of stuff, MultiVersus, Fall Guys, Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed... basically whatever casual nonsense I feel like playing.

So on that note I hope we'll be up and running later over at!

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