Thursday, November 3, 2022

Wastelander Progress Made in Fallout 76

Good morning everyone

We got a lot done in last night's stream of Fallout 76, starting with figuring out how to complete the Miner Miracles quest in order to be able to make and maintain power armor! Also knocked out the last quests needed for the Raiders and the Settlement so I could go ahead and make my choice in regards to show to side with... and I'm siding with the Raiders, because they have the more useful exclusive item. Sure I'll need to get my reputation with them up to Ally, but that gives some incentive to keep playing.

I could have sided with the Settlers because they had slightly more interesting characters, but one has to think long term with Fallout 76, and their exclusive rewards for reputation were not as interesting or useful. Plus by doing various daily things, one can get all the things.

That said, I wonder how the raid of vault 79 is going to go, as that will be the big focus on next Wednesday's stream. If its anything like the Steel Reign arc and we get help from NPCs to take the pressure off of dealing with enemies that would be awesome.

Also big thanks to Iceman for being apart of the stream as he provided extra firepower on one quest. We also did some bonus conversation talking fantasy sports and possible baseball hall of famers.

Twitch Clips

Big thanks to LvStrkr for renewing their subscription to my Twitch Channel last night! I always appreciate the support!

For the raid we dropped in on StarOfSyzygy who was playing Wicked Willow over at! For a visual novel, it certainly looked interesting.

On a side note there were no issues with the stream last night, no frame drops or weird resets. Makes me wonder what the hell happened on Tuesday night.

The Phillies made World Series history last night... by getting no-hit by the Astros 5-0. And I was right Nola is cooked for the year, he has had nothing in the tank and it showed. Surprised the Phillies couldn't get a hit at all, they had chances. Hopefully they can win tonight to go back to Houston up 3 games to 2... because the last two times the Phillies have gone to a game six down 3 games to 2, they lost... in 1993 and 2009.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Beginner Combo #1, Body Hook Combo and Weaving Combo #1 for 28 minutes.

Instagram actually added an upload feature for web browsers... about fucking time! It saves me a lot of time fighting with the Meta creator suite to get things done.

Where did the computer go dancing? The disc-o!

Song of the Day: Attention by Charlie Puth.

For tonight's stream we're getting back to Final Fantasy XIV with questing in the Shadowbringers area and also crafting grinding as well. 

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

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