Wednesday, November 16, 2022

The Android 21 Story Arc Is Basically A Spotlight For Android 18!

 Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream of Dragon Ball FighterZ was focused on the Android 21 story arc... which actually was mostly focused on Android 18 and Android 16 because they are the only playable character up until the boss fight against Cell on Map 11. So the fights end up being either 2 versus 1, 2 versus 2 or 2 versus 3.

Now I wonder why Android 18 gets the big spotlight, now it's obvious because she was the lone female character on the launch roster that was playable from the start... and also because she was created by Dr. Gero as part of his quest to avenge the Red Ribbon. Actually those are the only reasons, but the funny thing is, 18 gets perhaps the easiest path to hit Level 40, in fact we finished tonight being in the mid 30s, putting us in a good spot to hit level 40 as part of next Tuesday's stream. 

Anyway. I am kind of amazed that they went the full Majin Buu Good / Evil split with Android 21, which in a way makes sense to keep her as a protagonist in addition to capitalizing on her Buu like design, but this does raise questions.... such as how did anyone get Buu's DNA?!

At the very least we'll be finished with Dragon Ball FighterZ next Tuesday, as we have 5 or 6 more maps to cover to finish up the Android 21 Story Arc. So we're looking for two achievements, but at the very least we'll get one.

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on BestiBunni who was playing Cyperpunk 2077 over on

Work yesterday was... alright... nothing special, felt a bit productive to an extent.

Per the recommendation of Lunar_Princess, I picked up Akiba's Trip as a game that is a PlayStation 4 exclusive... but the version Amazon delivered wast he Region 3 version for Japan. Oh well, good thing the game discs can be used on any PS4 console. Still it is rather funny anomaly in my collection.

Also picked up Hentai vs. Evil for the PS4... and Amazon sent the Region 2 version.

Donald Trump announced he's running for President and I said it last night on stream, the sooner he is six feet under, the better. Watch the Republican Party just 'bow and kiss the ring' because of how idiotic they have become, The GOP is now where near what it was back when I first was able to vote back in the early 2000s. 

Played some more Vampire Survivors last night and figured managed to complete two stages, which means basically surviving for 30 minutes. Turns out evolving the book and the water leads to some heavy duty areas of effect!

Vampire Survivors Achievements

  • Empty Tome: Have 6 Different Weapons.
  • Dairy Plant: Reach Level 40 in Inlaid Library.
  • La Borra: Evolve the Santa Water.
  • Hyper Inlaid Library: Defeat the Hag in the Inlaid Library.
  • Il Molise: Unlock Hyper mode for any normal stage.
  • Pentagram: Survive 20 minutes with any character.
  • Unholy Vespers: Evolve the King Bible.
  • Poe Ratcho: Get Garlic to level 7.
  • Mortaccio: Defeat a total of 3000 Skeletons.
  • Green Acres: Unlock Hyper mode for 2 normal stages.
  • Holy Wand: Evolve the Magic Wand.
  • Hyper Mad Forest: Defeat the giant Blue Venus in the Mad Forest.
  • Dommario: Earn 5000 coins in a single run.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Waist Shape Focus Combo, Weaving Combo #2 and Hook Combo #1 for 28 minutes

A chicken coup only has two doors. If it had four, it would be a chicken sedan.

Song of the Day: Heart-Shaped Box by Nirvana

For tonight's stream we'll be roaming around West Virginia in Fallout 76, maybe try to clear out the dailies I have crowding up the right hand side of the screen every week. If PowerThumbZ is able to join in, we'll see about going for the I've Become Death achievement.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

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