Tuesday, November 29, 2022

First Impression of Pokemon Violet

Good morning everyone,

Last night we finally started up Pokemon Violet... and I have to say, the open world aspect of it certainly meant that the tutorial part of the game took me way longer to complete than most people, because I often like to over power my Pokemon as much as possible early on. Still it did mean we put a nice dent into capturing quite a few critters early on. Did clear the first gym to get off the right foot, and it's made very clear to me level grinding is going to very important to be able to tank some serious hits.

On aspect I don't particularly care for though is the camera angles in open world battles against wild Pokemon, because it means from a streamer point of view, the Pokemon in question could end up being behind where my camera box is positioned. Other than that I find that it is pretty much the continuation of numerous mechanics seen in Pokemon Shield, with the Giga-sizing gimmick being replace with the Tera-Styling one.

So for now Pokemon Violet will be locked in on Monday evenings going forward, so we'll have my very slow gradual process with it to experience, considering there are three story arcs to complete in order to finish the game.

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on YuzuPonEN who was also playing Pokemon Violet last night over on twitch.tv/YuzuPonEN!  

The first season of Overwatch 2 ends on Monday I think, and I have an excellent shot of getting the level 200 battle associated with the Battle Pass. 

Got a follow up call from Xfinity regarding the issues I was having this past Saturday, after I escalated things to the FCC (again), instead of moving forward based on the tech visit from the 19th, they are basically starting over from scratch. In short, a tech is coming out on Saturday to do the same checks that were done two weeks ago.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Sway Back Combo, Intermediate Combo #2 and Hip Shape Focus Combo for 31 minutes.

This sweet ride has four wheels and flies. It's a garbage truck.

Song of the Day:  Maneater by Daryl Hall & John Oates

For tonight's stream, the plan is to play Episodes 1 through 3 of Game Of Thrones: A TellTale Series, so depending on how long that takes we might do something else to pad out the stream a little.

On that note we'll see you later tonight over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!

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