Saturday, November 26, 2022

Another Friday and Another Persona Dancing Game

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream of Persona 4: Dancing All Night got off to an awkward start because a) I didn't realize there were DLC tracks for the game b) I didn't change the title or game category. Whoops on my part! Still once we got rolling, I was able to find my comfort zone with P4D rather quickly, with my biggest concern being the weird charting this game has in comparison to its Persona 3 and Persona 5 younger siblings. More so than those two games, P4D was clearly meant to be played on the Vita, as even on Easy I have trouble picking up on how some notes appear. 

Now the story for Persona 4: Dancing All Night is rather intriguing, as the Investigation Team is practicing to be apart of Rise's comeback but then group of Idols goes missing as they were pulled into the world of the Midnight Stage... where the only way to save them is to dance. Sure the premises is silly, but the question of who is behind the mystery has my attention. It does make me think that the Persona 3: Dancing in Moonlight and Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight could have been just one single game with a looming threat that had to be dealt with through dance but oh well.

Now because of the story mode, we'll tackle it in segments, with doing 1 full chapter then doing some free dances, then another chapter. I figure we'll get at least three weeks out of the game since there are eight chapters. Of course I'll probably put in a lot of off-stream grinding because of how unlocks are handled.

Persona 4: Dancing All Night Trophies

  • What's a "Miss"?: Cleared a track with no MISSes
  • Hit the Dance Floor: Cleared 1 track in Free Dance
  • The Festival Begins: Completed Chapter 1
  • Working Together: Triggered a Bond Fever at least once
  • Dream Team: Paired Rise and Kanami in Free Dance
  • Born Entertainer: Obtained top rank (King Crazy) on a track
  • Love Connections: Performed a full combo on a track
  • Closing Night: Rescued Tamami Uesugi
  • A Night to Remember: Rescued Tomoe Sayama
  • Perfectionist: 50%+ Perfect clear on HARD track or higher
  • Empty Seats: A performance ended prematurely
  • New Personal Best: Beat your own high score
  • Appearance Matters: Bought a costume for the first time
  • The Final Touch: Equipped accessory and began dancing
  • Fashion Police: Changed costume and began dancing
  • Star Dancer: Danced using 2 or more items to raise difficulty
  • That Familiar Rush: Watched replay data from Score

 Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on twinamitv who was also palying Persona 4: Dancing All Night over at

With the added day off, I finished writing the Dragon Ball commission request that featured Gohan, and to my surprise, instead of a WWE commission request popping up based on Sarah Logan's return, I got another Dragon Ball request to do a follow up to the previous story that featured Goku & Videl

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Double Combo #2, Triple Combo #1 and Straight Combo #1 for 31 minutes.

Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise Stats For Week Of 11/20 to 11/26/22

  • Punches Thrown: 9438
  • Estimated Calories Burned: 4008.57
  • Martina's Champion Progress: 64% (32 out of 50)
  • King EX Fight Progress: 98%
  • Fitness Boxing 2 Consecutive Days: 715
  • Fitness Boxing 1 & 2 Consecutive Days: 873

What do an apple and an orange have in common? Neither one can drive.

Song of the Day: Murder On My Mind by YNW Melly

For tonight's stream, well, it's Saturday, so random games are on deck, so expect MultiVersus, Ghostbusters Spirits Unleashed and whatever else comes to mind.

So on that note we'll see you later over on

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