Tuesday, October 11, 2022

We Finished The Last of Us And Like Everyone Else... We'll Never Play It Again

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream of The Last of Us Remastered started a little early because I wanted to give myself a cushion on trying to finish it... and thankfully it was very straight forward when it came to getting things from point A to point B. Whoever came up with the 'sneaking battle' against David in the burning diner needs a swift kick to the nuts, but that was more luck than anything else to get passed it. It took me about a dozen attempt to get passed it because stealth isn't something I'm good at no matter what the game.

Now the novelty of playing as Ellie was kind of cool, and it does show that the developers were thinking ahead to what they were going to do in the sequel with her being the focus and finding out what Joel did. Quite frankly I'm not too keen on the ending because Ellie tells Joel her sacrificing herself so that a vaccine can be made was something she wanted to do

Now as the title says, I'm never playing the Last of Us ever again, because all a second play through would be is to find collectables I missed and upgrade Joel to have maximum stats. But the fact that The Last of Us had no standard achievements or things that allowed for a player to feel as if they were making progressing just sucks the joy out of the game. I like looking at games I re-play and seeing achievement list to make it feel like it was worth my time. The Last of Us Failed in that regard.

Now it was a bit after 10 PM when we finished The Last of Us, so we did some bonus gaming playing some Street Fighter V, clearing Sakura's SFV arcade ladder before getting my butt handed to me in some ranked matches. One thing I'm hoping for with Street Fighter VI is that there would be fewer loading screens between fights, both online and off.

The Last of Us Remastered Trophies

  • No Matter What - Easy: Complete the game on Easy

Twitch Clips

Big thank you to Kalenal for the raid following their stream of The Trials of Mana, they cleared the section where they were miniaturized and are heading to the Wing Element portion. You can check them out over at twitch.tv/kalenal

Also huge thanks to Iceman for re-subbing to the twitch channel for the 55th Month in a row! Incredible!

For the raid, we dropped in on BestiBunni as they were playing Magic: The Gathering over at twitch.tv/bestibunni

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Left-Right Step Combo, Hook Combo #2 and Beginner Combo #1 for 28 minutes. By my estimation, I should hit the 50 hour mark for the Evan's Champion EX Achievement by Monday

The Phillies vs Braves Division Series starts at 1 PM This afternoon... obviously I will be working but I'll have the TV on and on mute just to keep up with things.

What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet? "Supplies!"

Imagine if Americans switched from pounds to kilograms overnight. There would be mass confusion!

Song of the Day:  Water Fountain by Alec Benjamin

For tonight's stream we're going to turn out attention to playing Dragon Ball FighterZ, and we'll be using the Xbox One console for it. We'll look at the tutorial and other things before diving into local matches and maybe start the story mode.

So on that note we'll see you later tonight over on twitch.tv/fredcasden.

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