Thursday, October 6, 2022

Fun with Friends in Fallout 76!

Good morning everyone

Last night's stream of Fallout 76 was a lot of fun as we were joined by PowerThumbz and Iceman for some hilarity as they gave me a big assist in getting some quests done. We managed to get all the dailies done in and made use of Iceman's Custom World for silliness in terms of using the Fat Man mini-Nuke launchers.

In terms of the story progress I was focusing on the Brotherhood of Steel story arc, and safe to say I'm firmly locked into siding with Paladin Ramani in terms of how I want the story to be from my point of view. Part of what makes that easy is that Knight Shin is just unlikeable.

No achievements were unlocked, but we made progress on the scoreboard, I also need to remember next to week to head down to the southern portion of the map to find a lake so that I'll have every major location located to make fast travel easier.

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on BestiBunni who was playing Overwatch 2 over at

Speaking of Overwatch it was virtually impossible to get into the game yesterday and I'm not buying that its a DDoS problem because if it was, wouldn't all of Blizzard's games be having issues?  

Still did get into Overwatch 2 at around 1 AM and got in a few matches before bed. I did end up having curiosity of the character unlocks for Overwatch 2 for new players and found the list.

  • Available of the at the Start: Orissa, Reinhardt, Winston, Zarya, Pharah, Reaper, Soldier 76, Torbjorn, Tracer, Widowmaker, Lucio, Mercy & Moria
  • Login Deason Season 1 (Season 2 for owner of OW1): Sojourn, Junker Queen
  • Play 1 Match: Genji
  • Play 2 Matches:
  • Play 3 Matches: Cassidy
  • Play 4 Matches: Ana
  • Play 9 Matches; Hanzo
  • Play 12 Matches: Junkrat
  • Play 16 Matches: Roadhog
  • Play 20 Matches: Symmetra
  • Play 25 Matches: Zenyatta
  • Play 30 Matches: Bastion
  • Play 40 Matches: Sigma
  • Play 50 Matches: Ashe
  • Play 60 Matches: Brigitte
  • Play 70 Matches: Mei
  • Play 85 Matches: Doomfist
  • Play 100 Matches: Baptiste
  • Play 116 Matches: Sombra
  • Play 130 Matches: Wrecking Ball
  • Play 150 Matches: Echo
  • Reach Tier 55 In Battle Pass (Or purchase Premium Battle Past: Kriko

The order seem very weird when one factors in that Genji is one of the hardest characters to use for new comers.

Work was decent yesterday, got on an assignment that allowed me to productive and not stress over dealing with rude people. Granted I was talking with people who lean so far to the right they are falling over. But hey it was decent  

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Difficult Challenge Combo #2, Block Combo and Difficult Challenge Combo #3 for 34 minutes.

Who ever came up with the schedule for the first round of this year's MLB playoffs needs to be smacked. The fans in some markets are screwed because some games will be starting in the early afternoon. I get they don't want these games to overlap, but the schedule is just idiotic.

What's the best thing about Switzerland? I don't know, but its flag is a big plus!

My favorite word is "drool." It just rolls off the tongue.

Song of the Day: Midnight City by M83.

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:   

For tonight's stream we shall be playing FInal Fantasy XIV and continuing my search for all the side quests in every single major area. So it'll be a nice casual night.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

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