Friday, September 16, 2022

The worst Upload and Download speeds I've seen from Comcast since March of 2021...

Good morning everyone,

Well last night's stream ended abruptly because Xfinity had a 90% drop in service provided. I pay for a download speed of 300 Mbps and an upload of 10 Mbps.... and when the stream got completely disrupted starting about 8:30 PM Eastern, those speeds 189 Mbps and .0 45 Mbps. Clearly unacceptable for streaming, and particularly for when I'm working in the afternoons! So I'm rather worried about work for today.

Now I did call into Xfinity, and apparently so many people were having issues accessing Peacock and Amazon Prime that they actually put an automatic message that said they were aware of customer's inability to watch Thursday Night Football. Didn't take me long to use that as an example as to why to why my service sucked. And you know what's funny I've been complaining about these issues for MONTHS! 

Guess all it takes for Xfinity to get the ball moving on something is for it to be Football Season.

Still, the service drop line is being replaced on Saturday afternoon, so hopefully that will resolve my issues. We'll see if that works. On the other hand,  because of the issues last night, there was a maintenance outage in my area this morning.

Anyway, what we managed to do during the stream was continuing my quest to do all the side mission in Final Fantasy XIV, mostly in areas associated with Heavansward. I was on a cool set of quests involving a young dragon before things started going wonky.

Twitch Clips

No raid last night, but Kalenal was also playing Final Fantasy XIV last night as part of their new schedule of streaming on Thursdays. They stream over on

Because of the internet issues last night, I did end up dedicating the later half of my evening to writing the commission request I received for another short story based on Spider-Man for the PS4. Once that was done and sent to the client, I got another commission request to write something based on The Last of Us franchise. I already have an idea of a set up based on transcripts I've seen of The Last of Us Part 2 cut scenes.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Defensive Combo #2, Triple Combo #2 and Front-Back Step Combo for 28 minutes.

What's the best time to see a dentist? Tooth hurty.

What's the difference between a hippo and a Zippo? One is heavy and one is a lot lighter.

Song of the Day: Ivy by Frank Ocean

Saw that Capcom has gotten the Esports nonsense out of their system and is focused on making Street Fighter VI fun. Of course all I want to know is when is Sakura going to be added to the roster! Because so far just about all of the original World Warriors are in the launch roster.

I've decided that I'll finally start playing Tekken 7 on Mondays and Tuesdays, go through the story mode and see what achievements we can unlock.Think of this as kind of like filler because on October 4th... Overwatch 2 launches and I don't want to start a big game between now and then.

Of course that is depending on if Comcast Xfinit will actually fix their network infrastructure! 

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:

For tonight's stream... well the plan is to play The Quarry and finish that. Here's hoping we'll be able to pull that off!

So on that note, we hope to see you later over on!

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