Friday, September 9, 2022

So H.P. Was In FFXIV...

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream of Final Fantasy XIV saw the first 30 minutes end up being cut due to internet issues, more on that down below... but it was inconsequential, as i was focused on Side Quest in and around Foundation... and ended up finding the Scholasticate quest line, which is basically Final Fantasy XIV's way of using characters from Harry Potter without dealing with any licensing issues.

The Scholasticate quest line is actually a spin off of the first Hildebrand story featuring Briardien who was basically Hildy's foil, plus the quest line s used to add a lot of lore to Ishgardian society and the role of the church. But let's be honest, even as someone who is not big on Harry Potter I was able to pick up on who was who based on tropes and appearances.  I did find the over all story to be interesting, but there were some plodding moments. Of course with it being story driven with no action, it did make for a dull experience for those watching.

So to close things out we ended up doing one raid, the Eight Circle one... and I died twice... once by not realizing what was happening and the other because i panicked and ran the wrong way.  

Also finally reached the point where I have the Leonheart attire to use as a glam set... need to figure out how to hide the choker from my gear though.

Twitch Clips

Big thanks to Kalenal who was doing a special Prog-Raid stream of Final Fantasy XIV over at

For the raid we dropped in on Oldish22 who was also playing Final Fantasy XIV over at!

I did experience the internet going down during work last night, and of course a lot of folks saw my stream last night struggle to stay connected from 7 PM to 730 PM. I did get a call from a senior tech who is now trying to spin it back to 'it's my ethernet network card' or one of the two Xbox consoles causing the problems. Now we didn't have any issues of note since Sunday and I wrote down every single time there was a major lack / service disruption. Now the only other thing he can think of is to replace the drop line that goes from the tap on the telephone pole to the splitter that separate internet and cable. 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Body Hook Combo, Double Combo #2 and Weaving Combo #1 for 31 minutes.

Why couldn't the pirate sit down? His booty got stolen!

Why was the broom late for a meeting? It overswept.

Song of the Day: Bad Day by Daniel Powter 

Phillies lost last night and I'm not surprised... considering how they have been increasingly inept in recent days

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:

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Good thing I logged into my PS4 last night to do the system update. Rally should get into the habit of checking that after Thursday night streams. And only reason I did was to install the game which we're playing tonight

For tonight's stream, we're going to start up The Quarry on the PlayStation 4. From what I understand a single play through of the story takes about 10 hours, so I'm looking for the stream to be about 4.5 to 5 hours long.

So on that note we'll see you later over on

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