Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Murdered: Soul Suspect and the Salem Witch Trials

Good morning everyone,

Last night we wrapped up Murdered: Soul Suspect... and when it leaned in heavily in the direction of the Salem Witch Trials it certainly didn't pull anything back. Such as the use of Abigail Williams who was indeed indeed a real person who ran around accusing people of witch craft. That tie in was a bit much, but it does make the story work to various degrees and made for a satisfying conclusion.I did rather enjoy the twist that Ronan was one of the 'tools' used by Abigail with the revelation that she kills off those that she possess in the end, which explains why Ronan was killed at the very start.

We did use a guide to find all the collectables, and there were two that I missed fairly early into the game last week, including one in the flipping Apartment building at the very start. Still by the end of the game we did end up getting every achievement. So yay... a rare game that I 100% completed!

Now would I want to play through it again... eh, maybe if I want to have a 'horror' game for the fall down the road. Personally, I rather not deal with how much time I spent trying to figure out the best approach to taking out the demons... but by the end of the game, I did realize holding down Right Trigger on the Xbox controller meant Ronan could sprint which made some things a lot easier to deal with.

Murdered: Soul Suspect Achievements

  • Teleporter: Teleported for the first time
  • Ashland: Discovered what happened to Sophia
  • Collector 150: Collected 150 artifacts
  • The Heirloom: Uncovered The Heirloom ghost story
  • Eternal Flame: Uncovered the Eternal Flame ghost story
  • Man in the Box: Uncovered the Man in the Box ghost story
  • Lost Causes: Learned the fate of Rose and helped Iris escape the asylum
  • Terror on the Tracks: Uncovered The Terror on the Tracks ghost story
  • Wicked Tempers: Discovered links between the witch trials and the Bell Killer murders
  • Ghosts Never Die: Investigated the murder of Iris
  • Codex: Discovered the meaning of the supernatural graffiti
  • The Bell Killer's Story: Learned about the Bell Killer
  • Cassandra's Story: Learned about Cassandra's Life
  • The Witch Trials: Discovered information about the witch trials
  • Julia's Story: Learned about Julia's Life
  • Salem's History: Discovered Salem's history
  • Collector All: Collected all of the artifacts
  • Ashes to Ashes: Uncovered the Ashes to Ashes ghost story
  • Judgement: Discovered the Bell Killer's secrets
  • Tightening the Noose: Stopped Abigail and saved Rex and Joy\

Twitch Clips

Big thanks to Kalenal for the raid following their stream of Wingspan! Also some news with Kal, they are changing their stream schedule to be Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays! You can catch them over on twitch.tv/kalenal

For the raid we dropped in on BestiBunni as they were playing Magic: The Gathering and Halo Infinite over on twitch.tv/bestibunni!  

Finished the recent commission request for a story based around Trish Stratus being on RAW a few weeks ago, and got another commission request for a story to feature Tyson Kidd which I knocked out earlier this morning because I couldn't quite get to sleep. Good thing to, because I ended up getting another request for a follow up to the Spider-Man story I did recently.

Had one period where the internet went down yesterday and I reported it through Xfinity's customer service line, making it clear this has been a reoccurring problem. Luckily last night's stream didn't see any issues.

I am hoping Elgato release a patch update that will resolve the issues that were created with OBS version 28 and the Stream Deck, if I don't remember to reapply the quick fix it means the scene switches I've programmed will not work. 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Intermediate Combo #2, Straight Combo #2 and Hip Shape Focus Combo for 28 minutes.

Since bot matches count towards progression, managed to bang out a couple of achievements in MultiVersus to progress towards getting as many as possible. I think the ones I'll have the toughest times with is playing in a formed party. Still the real quest is the battle pass. So logging in and trying to knock out the daily quests will help in that regard.

MultiVersus Achievements

  • Proving Yourself: Win 100 matchmade games
  • Watch Your Step: Get 10 Ringouts using your spike

What did the grape do when it got stomped on? It let out a little wine.

What's the best part about Switzerland? The flag is a big plus. 

Song of the Day: Bad Guy by Billie Eilish.

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at Xsplit.com, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link: https://amzn.to/3L8N1Yj

For tonight's stream, we'll be checking out the new content in Star Trek Online... and almost guaranteed there are going to be bugs and glitches.

So on that note we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden 

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