Saturday, August 13, 2022

My Little Pony: A Maretime Bay Adventure: Short but Charming

Good afternoon everyone,

Well last night's stream was certainly plagued with numerous interruptions to the point it got split into 8 parts. The good news is I spoke with a senior tech at Xfinity who said they are going to be running a constant scan of the signals going to and from the modem to try and track down the problem. I was told not to reset the modem no matter how bad it gets and that I would get a call on Sunday afternoon to let me know what was being tracked.

Anyway, onto My Little Pony: A Maretime Bay Adventure... and it's a charming, chilled, laid back game. There are collectables to find, a number of mini-games, it looks pretty solid overall, controls are responsive, the sound quality is awesome, there are numerous unlockables... but it's an incredibly short game. I mean less than three hours start to finish and with getting every single trophy.

Now I believe part of the problem is that at the time of the game's release earlier this year, the show its based on My Little Pony: Make Your Mark hasn't really had the time to flesh out its world to provide anything more than a slice of life aspect... hell, the show itself debuted this year, so there's not much to go on. In fact the plot of My Little Pony: A Maretime Bay Adventure is more of a direct follow up to the film My Little Pony: A New Generation (which I have not seen, but a look at the wiki page for it gave me an idea of what it was about). 

This does raise the question as to why Hasbro never had a full console game for the previous show, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, which was airing well into the PS4/Xbox One/Nintendo Switch era of console, so there was certainly a wealth of things that could have been utilized. 

That said, the actual story of My Little Pony: A Maretime Bay Adventure is quite interesting in that the 'villain' is basically a semi-racist Earth Pony who wants to drive all the Unicorns and Pegasuses out of town and to go back to it being for Earth Pony's only. Sure he gets caught and learns a lesson about not fearing change, but I'm surprised that was the game's plot, which could easily have been an episode of the show.

All in all, I enjoyed the experience... but I will advised, only purchase it when it's on sale. It's $39.99 price tag is too damn steep and impossible to justify. For it's length, I d say nab it when its below $20. 

MY LITTLE PONY: A Maretime Bay Adventure Trophies

  • An adorable thief: Reclaim your backpack
  • Unicycling 101: Fix the bridge using Izzy's Unicycling powers
  • Mane Street awaits!: Help Hitch in Brighthouse
  • Amateur Detective: Get 500 Magic Bits
  • Pipp Pipp Parade!: Help Pipp in Mane Street
  • Glowing up: Use the Magic Mirror for the first time
  • Sherif's apprentice: Get 1000 Magic Bits
  • Pro Herder: Help Hitch in Town Park
  • The Neigh-gotiator: Fulfil Marcel's requests and unlock Beach Cove
  • Starscout: Get 1500 Magic Bits
  • Where did magic go?: Race Zipp on Beach Cove
  • Friendship is still Magic: Catch and talk some sense into Sprout
  • W.I.N.G.S. Cadet: Complete the secret obstacle course in Town Park
  • Alicorn Status: Get every trophy
Now we did Play Street Fighter V last night as well... but we had to way for a 36 GB update to the game to be downloaded and installed. So we did to a bit of just chatting, turns out one of my short boxes containing comic books is only being held together by the lid... and I've only seen a few things that featured Anne Heche who passed away yesterday.

Once SFV was updated, it was during a period where a lot of the internet issues were happening, so got kicked from one player versus player match. But things settled down, we did a few 'arcade runs' (Street Fighter and Street Fighter Alpha arcade ladders) and then did a few player vs player matches, actually inning a couple... in fact I finally hit the requirements to get an achievement for getting out of the 'Rookie' category! Sow e ended the night on a high note for sure.

Street Fighter V Trophies

  • First Promotion!: Master Zangief sent me flowers to celebrate me moving up a league for the first time! I can't read the card with all these tears!

Big thanks to the chat for kicking in 300 bits during the stream, and also to a new follower ShootTheDeuce!

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on Coleyrado as they were celebrating their birthday over on!  

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Difficult Challenge Combo #1, Biceps Shape Focus Combo, Intermediate Combo #1 for 34 minutes.

Fitness Boxing 2 Stats For August 7 to 13, 2022

  • Punches Thrown: 8596
  • Estimated Calories Burn: 3572.46 kcal
  • Laura's Champion Progress: 72% (36/50 Hours)
  • King EX Fight Progress: 95%
  • Fitness Boxing 2 Consecutive Days: 610
  • Fitness Boxing 1 & 2 Consecutive Days: 768

Why did the man get fired from the calendar factory? Because he took a few days off.

What do you call an alligator wearing a vest? An investigator.

Song of the Day: Sunshine of your Love by Cream 

Fernando Tatis Jr popped for PEDs... well bet the Padres are pissed, but hey with him out of the lineup for the rest of the season, that does help the Phillies in the Wild Card hunt.

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:   

For tonight's stream, well it's Saturday so you know it' going to be random.   I'm not sure what that will be yet, but we'll probably bounce between a few things or stick to one thing... depending on how Xfinity is acting.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

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