Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Back to the Land of Lego With Indiana Jones

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream of Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures certainly had a number of issues thanks to Xfinity, with anyway from a 25% to 75% packet loss from 6:46 PM to 7:36 PM. I continue to get no feedback from Xfinity during this. I also had the internet go down a bit before 4 PM as well.

Anyway, the game play of Lego Indiana Jones saw the entire "Raiders of The Lost Ark" portion taken cared of, and picking up all the Story related achievements, and I totally forgot the solution to several pizzle so some things were taking me longer than others to accomplish. In fact I actually had to look up how to deal with the 'Boxer' boss because I didn't realize the plan could demolish trucks addition enemies come in with. 

On the opposite side, I did enter every available unlock code into the game, which took quite a bit of time, but hell it ate up stream time. But it did mean I had more options available when going back to do a bit of Free Play stuff.

Next time we'll play Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures will be on Monday and Tuesday of next week.

LEGO Indiana Jones: Original Adventures Achievements

  • You cheat very big!: Unlock all extras.
  • Your mail is on your desk.: Post all parcels.
  • Hey! You call him Dr. Jones!: Create and name a custom build character.
  • There is nothing to fear here.: Complete the "The Lost Temple" level in Story Mode.
  • It’s important Marion, trust me.: Complete the "Into the Mountains" level in Story Mode.
  • He no nuts. He's crazy!!: Smash 250 LEGO objects.
  • Belloq's staff is too long.: Complete the "City of Danger" level in Story Mode.
  • I step on fortune cookie!: Destroy 50 creepy-crawlies.
  • Why did it have to be snakes?: Complete the "The Well of Souls" level in Story Mode.
  • I hate these guys.: Destroy 200 bad guys.
  • I’m making this up as I go along: Complete the "Pursing the Ark" level in Story Mode.
  • Keep your eyes shut!: Complete the "Opening the Ark" level in Story Mode.
  • Got lost in his own museum.: Unlock secret area in the museum.
  • Nice try, Lao Che!: Destroy Lao Che with Indy.
  • Goodbye Dr. Jones.: Destroy Indy with Lao Che.

Twitch Clips

Big thank you to rainbownarwhal9 for the raid following their stream of Lego Indana Jones: The Original Adventures over at!

For the raid we dropped in on Cammi_316 as they were playing Fornite. You can check out their streams over at!

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Hook Combo #1, Uppercut COmbo #1 and Waist Shape Focus Combo for 31 minutes. Since it's the end of the month, here are totals for the past 31 days of my daily workouts.

Fitness Boxing 2 Rhythm & Exercise August 2022 Stats

  • Punches Thrown: 37056
  • Estimated Calories Burned: 15313.82
  • Laura's Champion Progress: 90% (45 out of 50 Hours)
  • King EX Fight Progress: 95%
  • Fitness Boxing 2 Consecutive Days:628
  • Fitness Boxing 1 & 2 Consecutive Days: 786

How many bugs do you need to rent out an apartment? Tenants.

What did one elevator say to the other? "I think I'm coming down with something."

Song of the Day: Talking Body by Tove Lo

Knocked out just about every possible side quest in Limsa Lominsa that I skipped over during my run through Final Fantasy XIV's Main Story, and managed to get a couple of minions. Annoyingly, the level gate of when some quests can be turned in did mean some things were not turned in as a Dragoon, but instead as a Red Mage.

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:

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For tonight's stream, we're back to Fallout 76, and we may be joined by Iceman in the later portions. Hopefully tonight's stream will not be problematic.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

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