Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Back to the Land of Lego With Indiana Jones

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream of Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures certainly had a number of issues thanks to Xfinity, with anyway from a 25% to 75% packet loss from 6:46 PM to 7:36 PM. I continue to get no feedback from Xfinity during this. I also had the internet go down a bit before 4 PM as well.

Anyway, the game play of Lego Indiana Jones saw the entire "Raiders of The Lost Ark" portion taken cared of, and picking up all the Story related achievements, and I totally forgot the solution to several pizzle so some things were taking me longer than others to accomplish. In fact I actually had to look up how to deal with the 'Boxer' boss because I didn't realize the plan could demolish trucks addition enemies come in with. 

On the opposite side, I did enter every available unlock code into the game, which took quite a bit of time, but hell it ate up stream time. But it did mean I had more options available when going back to do a bit of Free Play stuff.

Next time we'll play Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures will be on Monday and Tuesday of next week.

LEGO Indiana Jones: Original Adventures Achievements

  • You cheat very big!: Unlock all extras.
  • Your mail is on your desk.: Post all parcels.
  • Hey! You call him Dr. Jones!: Create and name a custom build character.
  • There is nothing to fear here.: Complete the "The Lost Temple" level in Story Mode.
  • It’s important Marion, trust me.: Complete the "Into the Mountains" level in Story Mode.
  • He no nuts. He's crazy!!: Smash 250 LEGO objects.
  • Belloq's staff is too long.: Complete the "City of Danger" level in Story Mode.
  • I step on fortune cookie!: Destroy 50 creepy-crawlies.
  • Why did it have to be snakes?: Complete the "The Well of Souls" level in Story Mode.
  • I hate these guys.: Destroy 200 bad guys.
  • I’m making this up as I go along: Complete the "Pursing the Ark" level in Story Mode.
  • Keep your eyes shut!: Complete the "Opening the Ark" level in Story Mode.
  • Got lost in his own museum.: Unlock secret area in the museum.
  • Nice try, Lao Che!: Destroy Lao Che with Indy.
  • Goodbye Dr. Jones.: Destroy Indy with Lao Che.

Twitch Clips

Big thank you to rainbownarwhal9 for the raid following their stream of Lego Indana Jones: The Original Adventures over at!

For the raid we dropped in on Cammi_316 as they were playing Fornite. You can check out their streams over at!

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Hook Combo #1, Uppercut COmbo #1 and Waist Shape Focus Combo for 31 minutes. Since it's the end of the month, here are totals for the past 31 days of my daily workouts.

Fitness Boxing 2 Rhythm & Exercise August 2022 Stats

  • Punches Thrown: 37056
  • Estimated Calories Burned: 15313.82
  • Laura's Champion Progress: 90% (45 out of 50 Hours)
  • King EX Fight Progress: 95%
  • Fitness Boxing 2 Consecutive Days:628
  • Fitness Boxing 1 & 2 Consecutive Days: 786

How many bugs do you need to rent out an apartment? Tenants.

What did one elevator say to the other? "I think I'm coming down with something."

Song of the Day: Talking Body by Tove Lo

Knocked out just about every possible side quest in Limsa Lominsa that I skipped over during my run through Final Fantasy XIV's Main Story, and managed to get a couple of minions. Annoyingly, the level gate of when some quests can be turned in did mean some things were not turned in as a Dragoon, but instead as a Red Mage.

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:

Use code POGHF1516 for up to 16 FREE MEALS across 7 boxes + 3 surprise gifts at

For tonight's stream, we're back to Fallout 76, and we may be joined by Iceman in the later portions. Hopefully tonight's stream will not be problematic.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Xfinity Screws Me Over Again...

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream was plagued with issues thanks to Xfinity with complete instability from 7 PM, witch complete package lost, stream being broken up into three splits... and generally a lot of lost and wasted footage. To top it off my PlayStation 2 Slim started having issues reading the XenoSaga Disc when it came to cut scenes, which means I have to get the PlayStation 2 Fat Model to send a video signal somehow or otherwise, just find a refurbished model... or write off being able to feature games from the PlayStation 2 era on original hardware.

In terms of XenoSaga, we covered most of Chapter 3 which featured Ziggy rescuing Momo... and I found some of the stealth mechanics to be quite interesting and easy to grasp in order to avoid trouble. We would have finished Chapter 3 if the PS2 would load the the cut scene that leads into the boss fight.

Now I did went to switch to PS2s from the Slim to the Fat one, but I couldn't find the components that I know I have... I look just about everywhere on stream and couldn't find them. So we'll order another set and try again down the line.

We did get in some Fall Guys to try and salvage the stream, and picked up a couple of achievements and had some good moments with that

Fall Guys Achievements

  • Big Air: Clock up 1 hour total time falling
  • Catwalk Model: Equip your first legendary customization item

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on Bestibunni who was playing Magic: The Gathering over at!  

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Straight Combo #1, Weaving COmbo #2 and Triple Combo #1 for 28 minutes.

Kncoked out every possible side quest I could find in Coerthas Central Highlands last night in Final Fantasy XIV, couple of which involved messing with snowmen. Also stumbled across the 10th anniversary event quest which was cute, if not fourth wall breaking. 

What's brass and sounds like Tom Jones? Trombones.

How do prisoners communicate with one another? Cell phones.

Song of the Day: Tear in my Heart by Twenty One Pilots

You know during last night's stream the Phillies were up 7-0 on Arizona... less than 40 minutes later they were trailing 12-7.

Started work on the Metal Gear Solid commission request... and I discovered in my research the entire 'if Snake doesn't shower' scenes, which will serve as a great basis for the short story.

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:

Use code POGHF1516 for up to 16 FREE MEALS across 7 boxes + 3 surprise gifts at

For tonight's stream we're going to start up Lego Indiana Jones: Original Adventures, namely the Xbox 360 version

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Monday, August 29, 2022

A Strong Night Of Overwatch

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream of Overwatch certainly saw me playing the role of back fill quite a lot more than usual as of late, but it was decent night overall. Big thanks to PandaSweet for being a big part of the matches, as we closed down the night winning 7 out of the last 10 matches. I personally picked up three Plays of the Game as, Reinhardt and Moira... who was basically all I used during the night, but there was a moment I did play as Orissa. I do feel like I should've had a few more Plays of the Game, but I'll take the three we were credited with.

Shout out to Mech3003 for re-subbing to the channel for the 10th time! As always the continued support is awesome! You don't have too, but I always appreciate it!

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on BestiBunni who was playing Stellaris over at

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Double Combo #2, Body Hook Combo and Weaving Combo #1 for 31 minutes.

During the stream we had one issue with Xfinity, and Overwatch itself detached indications of a weak connection at times. 

Last December and January, I spent a lot of time dedicated to the game Jump Force, just prior to when it was announced the game's ranked servers were being shut down and it was being delisted. Well that finally occurred, but good news is some of the requirements for online trophies were changed. So folks will still be able to 100% complete it... but I get to humble brag about doing it the original way.

Finished the  Resident Evil commission request I received yesterday and setting it in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis is certainly the best choice I could have made. Amazingly, got another commission request to base something around Big Boss and Quiet in Metal Gear Solid V... now to how to come up with a quick plot when one of the characters can't talk.

With my focus on Mass Effect 3's achievements done, I can refocus on doing stuff in Final Fantasy XIV to clear out every side quests I skipped over, managed to bang out a bunch right before the maintenance for fixes to patch  6.2 started.

What did the princess say in the photo booth? "Someday my prints will come."

What can you do if you're scared of elevators? Take steps to avoid them.

Song of the Day: The Pretender by Foo Fighters

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:

Use code POGHF1516 for up to 16 FREE MEALS across 7 boxes + 3 surprise gifts at

For tonight stream we're hooking up the PlayStation 2 to continue Xenosaga Episode 1, we're picking up after getting off the ship and Kos-Mos basically commandeering a freighter. 

So on that note we'll see you later over at!

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Completing Objectives In Mass Effect 3 and Fall Guys

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream lead off with one more round of the 360 version Mass Effect 3, namely the multiplayer as we went on the quest of getting the Veteran achievement which required 5,000 kills. Now keeping in mind I started the 360 version of Mass Effect 3 way back on August 1st, and here we are 27 days later, and I have all but one achievement unlocked. That last achievement is of course playing the game on finishing the game on Insanity difficulty... which I'm really not inclined to do, because I know how bullet sponge like things like Brutes and Banshees can become, having experienced Gold and Platinum Difficulty in the Multiplayer mode.

Mass Effect 3 Achievements

  • Veteran: Kill 5,000 enemies.
Once my goal in Mass Effect 3 was done, we switched over to Fall Guys, and amazingly we were apart of a winning squad, and I actually came in first on a solo race without realizing it. We also messed around with the Blast Balls event, making it to the final round three times only to come up short all three times. Still, we did complete the battle pass which final rewards were Mecha-Godzilla related. So woo-hoo! We did it!

Twitch Clips

For the raid last night we dropped in on Kalenal as they were playing Final Fantasy XIV over at! Kal will be looking to wrap ob a co-op objective in Stardew Valley on Monday night!

Of course the Xfinity update, we did have a couple of connection slow down which went beyond the Ethernet and WiFi. I just dare them to tell me it's my Ethernet card in my PC, when the same issues of a stable connection affect the Xbox One which is hardwire and my phone which I'm using to constantly check the WiFi when things start going wrong. 

Then there was the fact there was a power outage this morning at about 9 AM, which reset everything associated with the Xfinity X8 Gateway

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Hook Combo #2, Beginner Combo #1 and Left-Right Step Combo for 28 minutes.

Why do ghosts love elevators? Because they lift their spirits.

What do you call a snobby criminal going downstairs? A condescending con descending.

Song of the Day:  Another Love! by Tom Odell

Finished the latest commission story request for something involving the Shield in WWE... thankfully there was a little promo at WrestleMania 30 that was a YouTube exclusive that made for the perfect framing device. 

Did get another commission request, this time for a story based around Resident Evil 3... thing is there are two Resident Evil three... the original, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis released back in 1999... and of course Resident Evil 3: Remake released in 2020. I think I'll use the original release for the frame work of the story because of how the first half takes place before Resident Evil 2, with the second half taking place after. Gives me more roof to play with.

It's the start of a new week, so let's recap everything we featured this past week over on Twitch which was Overwatch, Mass Effect 3, Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht, Fallout 76, Final Fantasy XIV Online, Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r] and Fall Guys!


Square Enix had an unannounced clearance sale of stuff they no longer own, and so I went ahead and order physical copies what I could that was dirt cheap, which included the Deuz Ex Human Revolution - Augmented Edition for the Xbox 360, plus the standard editionf or PS3 and PC (because why not), Thief for the Xbox One, plus Marvel's Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Edition for the PS4. I did miss out on all the Tomb Raider physical copies.

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:  

For tonight's stream, well it's Sunday night and you know that means Overwatch! 

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Arcade Runs In Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r]

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream featured arcade runs with several characters in Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r], namely Enkidu, Hilda, Londrekia, Merkava, Nanase, Orie, Phonon, Seth, Wagner and Eltnum. One thing that instantly stands out, is that Hilda has no real natural combinations... and Seth was just a chore to play as, with nothing of his seemingly like it leads to anything solid that I could figure stuff out with

On a more positive side, I loved Eltnum's fourth wall breaking as she's from an older game called Melty Blood, so her dialogue reflected dealing with 'rookies'. Also Phonon and Wagner have real intuitive ways of playing, in fact Wagner seems to have some similar combinations to Ken in the Street Fighterseries of game. Also Wagner has the best super in the game from the ones I've seen so far, and we saw a few tonight including Orie, Nanase and Hilda's!

Now since we cover Hyde and Waldstein last week, that means we'll focuse on the rest of the cast of Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r] on next Friday's stream, at which time we'll count the game as being finished for this year's tour!

Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r] Trophies
  • Era of the Bad Bitch: Fought 10 battles using female characters. (Not unlockable in Training Mode, Tutorial Mode, or Mission Mode.)
  • Extremely Guarded: Performed Guard Thrust while in Vorpal state. (Not unlockable in Training Mode, Tutorial Mode, or Mission Mode.)
  • Plate Completion: Purchased all Plates.

Twitch Clips

For last night's raid we dropped in on Bestibunni over at and they were playing Halo: Infinite!  

What do you call an Italian astronaut? A specimen.

Two guys walks into a bar. The third guy ducks.

Song of the Day: What You Know by Two Door Cinema Club! 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Advanced Combo #2 Body Uppercut Combo and Body Straight Combo for 31 minutes.

Fitness Boxing 2 Weekly Stats 8/21 to 8/27

  • Punches Thrown:8566
  • Estimated Calories Burned:3622.98 kcal
  • Laura's Champion Progress: 86% (43 out of 50 Hours Trained)
  • King EX Fight Progress: 95%
  • Fitness Boxing 2 Consecutive Days: 624
  • Fitness Boxing 1 & 2 Consecutive Days:782

Work just sucked yesterday afternoon, as I lost complete internet connection 4 times... I forward photos and other notes on the matter to Xfinity. And this wasn't like the stream issues (which we experienced twice last night), I'm talking the modem going to red / orange light status indication no service at all!. Speaking of that, the Gateway indicates the internet went down 1106 AM this morning, and I saw it going completely down again at 409 PM

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:  

My Mass Effect 3 grind for the Veteran achievement now stands at 4622 enemies slayed... we only need 378 more!   So to lead off tonight's stream, we're going to focus on that, then we'll do some random stuff.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Friday, August 26, 2022

Final Fantasy XIV 6.2 MSQ Thoughts

Good morning everyone,

The 6.2 update for Final Fantasy XIV rolled out this week.. and on last night's stream we dedicated the entire time (or nearly the entire time) to the New Main Story Quests... and I loved it. Zero... a humanoid/voidsent hybrid, is an incredibly compelling character with a great design comes across as a no-nonsense bad ass, but by the end of the new MSQ quests, one could see probably getting a chance to have a real world around.

The world of the 13th (or the Voidsent realm) made some real extended use of the new dungeon, but we got to learn about what happened to the 13th... and it's the reverse of what happened to the world of the 1st, while it was threatened by Light... the 13th was completely enveloped in Darkness. Outside of Zero, there are no other humanoid beings seen roaming around. This kind of lead to a unique problem for me, because I was engulfed in the story, which meant I didn't want to go back to repair my gear following the dungeon or the mandatory in-cut scene fight sequence before doing the new trial

The new dungeon, called The Fell Court of Troia is very straight forward... and it was full of Trojans, so if you were looking for a pack... I'm kidding, but all the enemies are labeled 'Trojan' something or other, so this obviously feeds into my thinking that there is certainly going to be an emphasis on Greek Myths going forward in FF14. On a first attempt, didn't have too much trouble until reaching the final boss of it. 

The new trial, 'Storm's Crown', has two phases in the normal variant, and I had a lot of trouble picking up on the patterns at first. The second phase sees the field being brought in tight, so not alot of room to avoid AOE attacks. Barbariccia has a really night design.

I did start up the Island Sanctuary stuff, so that could be a nice casual diversion from time to time.

Next Thursday we'll focuse on the new Raid content associated with the Pandæmonium story arc, which should be a real treat... or nightmare

Twitch Clips

We picked up a new following during the stream in BestBunni! Always glad to see new folks hanging out!

For the raid we dropped in on Oldish22 who was also playing FInal Fantasy XIV over at!  

Had numerous issues with Xfinity yesterday, with the internet going down twice when I was working, including one instance where the upstream power level dropped below 40 which I've never seen before. During the stream we had two minor interruptions, one kicked me from FF14 while the other didn't. 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Uppercut Combo #2, Double Combo #1 and Defensive Combo #1 for 28 minutes

Parallel lines have so much in common. It's a shame they'll never meet.

There are three types of people in this world: People who are good at math and people who are not

Song of the Day: Dangerous Woman by Ariana Grande

The Phillies Swept the Reds... Bryce Harper is coming off of the DL today... and Zach Wheeler was placed on it... Playoffs are still in doubt as far as I'm concerned. 

My quest for the Veteran achievement in Mass Effect 3 is 4275 out 5000 enemies killed, or 85% completion

Really need to focus on the recent commission request based around the time The Shield was a thing in the WWE... but I really hate working on fics that involve a large cast of characters.

Saw that Sony had the balls to raise the price for the PlayStation 5 just weeks after shutting down production on the PlayStation 4. But of course by the time I end up go into looking into a PS5, it will be marked down to a reasonable price in the form a bundle.

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:  

For tonight's stream we'll be doing arcade runs with every nearly every character in UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH Exe:Late cl-r, so we'll see what we can figure out with the bulk of the cast!

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Slowly Making Way Through The Base Game Of Fallout 76

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream of Fallout 76 saw major progress done in the Commander Sofia Daguerre storyline as well as a main story line for the base game, in fact we're approaching the end of a major story arch for a story achievement called Coming to Fruition! So slowly working my way through the story... and let me say this... the types of enemies I'm starting to run into are just getting brutal, and it does raise a good point of always wanting to do things with a least one other person. Still, I'm glad the story is being advanced.

That said, ammo is starting to come a problem in terms of finding it as well as being able to craft it based on materials I can find in game!. 

We also hung out with Iceman in his Fallout 1st World, and there was a number of silly moments to be had as we used the near immortality and infinite ammo with the Fat Boy weapons to cause havoc.Of course at some point we have to get Iceman advanced on the plot of the game as well!

Also apparently less than 10% of Fallout 76 players on Xbox reached level 50... so I'm proud to have stuck with it get the 'American Hero' achievement while it's still considered 'rare'

Fallout 76 Achievements

  • American Hero: Reach Level 50

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on Kalenalw ho was playing Final Fantasy XIV over at!  

Discovered that 'Shawn' is a catch all name used by the Executive Customer Relations department... and they are always in a rush to close out any issues that end up being reported to the FCC. 

Speaking of which we had two minor network issues during last night's stream, but they were quickly resolved. Also at 954 this morning there was no internet connection with the modem LED indicator going 'Orange - Amber - Green - Orange - White' before the connection was reestablished at about 1004 AM

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Defensive Combo #2, Front-Back Step Combo and Triple Combo #2

You hear about the unsharpended spear? It was pointless!

What did the thumb say to the finger? "I'm in glove with you."

What does a nosy pepper do? It gets jalapeno business! 

Song of the Day: Humble by Kendrick Lamar

My two fantasy baseball teams are in 3rd and 4th place in their respective leagues. That's neat.

For the Veteran Achievement in Mass Effect 3 I am up to 4115 enemies killed out of 5000

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:  

For tonight's stream, Final Fantasy XIV is on tap, and I will be working my way through the new content to see what's there! 

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

So We Started Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht

Good morning everyone,

Well last night's stream ended up featuring a game from the PlayStation 2 era in the form of Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht! Ya'll might remember a couple of years ago I went looking for Episode II and Episode III of the trilogy with the intentions of playing them... particularly when I found out that Katsuhiro Harada at Bandai Namco killed the entire prospect of a remaster to continue focus on Tekken 7. Anyway, I did play Xenosaga episode 1 20 years ago... but I found it to be quite difficult to get  a handle on things.

That was not the case last night, as I really caught on to the mechanics of how the combat system works and understood that some careful puzzle solving would be needed. With that in mind I really spent way too much time grinding out a few early levels to try and give myself a tactical advantage in terms of trying to over power enemies. The combat system is turn base with chances to either jump ahead a turn or (which also applies to enemies)

Perhaps what really stands out about Xenosaga Episode 1 is that the voice acting is solid, the musical score is incredible and the visual, despite being 20 years old, still hold up. For the stream, it's presented to viewers in a 4:3 aspect ratio, but as I'm playing it, it's 16:9, and let me tell you this, a remaster would just need to involve a proper up-scaling. Keep the original ratio, but a proper HD make over would do wonders.

Now this game does have something incoming with Persona 5 Royal... in that cut scenes, story and lore can take forever. We did a 6 hour stream (not my intention for a Tuesday night), and I figure maybe 2 hours were cutscenes to move the story along... and we only just got off the Woglinde (Which again also indicate that I did spend a lot of time farming enemies to level up).

I'm really looking forward to continue it, and I think it will end up being a Saturday night game starting next week because I'm not too keen on running the PlayStation 2 more than one night a week for extended periods of time. 

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on x_lumineee as they were playing Final Fantasy XIV over at!  

There were two small stream interruptions last night, but again the recovery was rather quick compared to previous issues. Of course at around 1015 AM this morning the internet went down fully, and I did report it directly to the Senior Tech at Xfinity.

The past, the present and the future walked into a bar. It was tense.

What did Eminem say when 50 Cent made him a sweater? "Gee, you knit?"

Song of the Day: Six Feet Under by Billie Eilish

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Intermediate Combo #1, Difficult Challenge Combo #1 and Biceps Shape Focus Combo for 34 minutes.

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:   

For tonight's stream we'll be playing Fallout 76, with the goal of progressing various quests. We may be joined by Iceman as well, we'll see in that regard.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Mass Effect 3 For the 360 Is Done... We Did The Destroy Ending

Good morning everyone,

Well last night's stream was epic, as we started at 5 PM Eastern in order to make sure we finished Mass Effect 3 which we did at about 10:30 PM Eastern... but we ended up extending the stream to mess around with the MultiPlayer and actually got an extra achievement, Unwavering. Now I have done 5 of the 6 multiplayer maps on Gold difficulty... problem was I didn't know which 5... but with lucky I got the last one needed for it! So woo-hoo!

In terms of the main campaign of Mass Effect 3, we opened with roaming around the Citadel doing all the character interactions related to the Shore Leave as well as throwing the epic party. Still love all little details like Wrex needing an ice-pack, Miranda and Jack's tension, the allegations that Shepard can't dance and so forth.

I was 'lucky' to get the 'Hijacker' achievement, because there were two mechs on the Cerberus base... first attempt resulted in me getting killed, 2nd attempt I thought it glitched when I tried to enter it... 3rd attempt saw Garrus blow up the mech... then I said to hell with... and saw there was a second mech a little further into the mission. Thankfully I was able to get the achievement on that one.   

With that achievement out of the way, it was pretty much business as usual, finish off Kai Leng and Ceberus, then the liberation of Earth from the reapers. I took Javik on those final two ground mission on Earth because it just seemed fitting, plus I did get a little kick about seeing him protest about leaving. 

Now why did I do the Destroy ending when I normally do the Synthesis ending. Well since I've been dedicating time to the Multiplayer... and really put in the effort on the Galaxy at War to have galatic readiness at 100%, basically it's just to show 'Shepard Lives'. Since this run of Mass Effect 3 was the 360 version, the requirements for Shepard living are much more difficult than the Legendary Edition

So what's left for me in Mass Effect 3 are two achievements... one is for getting 5,000 kills and we ended the night having a count of over 3700. I know if I start multiplayer maps on bronze, I can get 50 to 75 before someone joins or I get over whelmed. The other one involves finishing Mass Effect 3 on Insanity Difficulty... which I'm not too keen on attempting. Still don't be surprised if I do more Mass Effect 3 streams based around the multiplayer to get the kill count achievement.

Mass Effect 3 Achievements

  • Perfect Host: Throw a party for your friends.
  • Hijacker: Hijack an Atlas mech.
  • Executioner: Defeat an old adversary.
  • Patriot: Make the final assault.
  • Legend: Mission accomplished.
  • Long Service Medal: Complete Mass Effect 3 twice, or once with a Mass Effect 2 import.
  • Unwavering: Finish all multiplayer maps on Gold or all single-player missions on Insanity.

Twitch Clips

Big thanks to Kalenal for the raid last night! They were playing Stardew Valley over on!

For the raid we dropped in on MommyBee who was playing The Sims 4 over at

FnDanteSavage was streaming this morning playing Tormented Souls over on!

Since I'm keeping track of everything Xfinity related, last night's stream did have one interruption at 822 PM, but it rebounded a lot faster than it was in recent months, but we did see some frame drops as well.

What's the difference between a dapper man on a bicycle and a poorly dressed man on a unicycle? Attire!

I left my job at a shoe disposal plant. It was sole destroying.

Song of the Day: Everybody Dies In Their Nightmares by Xtentacion

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 workout featured Block Combo, Difficulty Challenge Combo #2 and Difficulty Challenge Combo #3 for 34 minutes

Realm Royale finally got achievements implemented to it, which means a number of things I managed to accomplish became instantly unlocked which I loaded it onto one of my Xbox consoles. Woo-Hoo! Also did a match and... I quickly remember why I haven't touched it in a while, because I struggle with battle royal games. . 

Realm Royale: Reforged Achievements

  • Absolute Unit: Win a match as a team of 4 without losing a single player.
  • Knife Edge Death Match: Eliminate an enemy player with your dagger.
  • Geared Out: Get a legendary item in every slot.
  • Realm Royalty: Get a Crown Royale.
  • 20-Piece: Collect Armor Potions 20 Times.
  • Great Eggscape: Survive after becoming a chicken.
  • Novice Smith: Forge your first Legendary Weapon.
  • Novice Mage: Eliminate an enemy player as a Mage.

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:   

For tonight's stream I'm not 100% sure what we're going to do, but I'll figure out something once I finish work this afternoon.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Monday, August 22, 2022

Xfinity replaced the lines and the modem...

 Good afternoon everyone,

Yesterday afternoon the senior tech as Xfinity who has been monitoring my issues came out to replace the line that leads to the modem and the modem itself, I can say I did see a mark improvement in terms of latency in Overwatch. While we did have the modem go down fully suddenly, I was aware of the possibility because I was told it may resent randomly due to installing various firmware updates. The modem was changed from an XB7 to an XB8... and one big difference between the two models is the XB8's light can actually be seen from different angles.

 I was also told that this point if I continue to have issues the culprit is either going to be my ethernet card is going bad which is unlikely because the same issues I had were also on the Xbox One and Series consoles.. or the issue is going to be with the 'plant' that serves the area. They also used a howler to test to see if any noise is being ingested into the lines and they came up negative, which again narrows things down to two possibilities.

As for the Overwatch fun, well we had a solid night on all fronts when it comes of matches. We of course were joined by PandaSweet for a lot of fun, and I picked up two plays of the game as Moira and Mei. Other characters used included, Reinhardt, and Ashe. 

I also learned that all Overwatch accounts are being merged with the launch of Overwatch 2, and that cross progression will be a thing with skins and achievements, which is means on the console side we'll get the achievement boost as well!

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on Flint_Locke who was trying to finish Higurashi no Naku Koro ni: Chapter 8 - Matsuribayashi over at!

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Intermediate Combo #2, Hip Shape Focus Combo and Straight Combo #2 for 28 minutes..

Was able to catch FnDanteSavage streaming today, great to see him back as he was one of the first people I started following on Twitch. He was playing Tormented Souls over at!

What concert is worth just 45 cents? 50 Cent and Nickelback.

Why can't a hand be 12 inches long? Because then it'd be a foot. 

Song of the Day:  All the Kids are Depressed by Jeremy Zucker!

Phillies totally blew their chances to make headway towards the Playoffs with how badly they lost to the Mets this weekend. Again, I predicted this last week.

Also my fantasy baseball teams completely had terrible there is a good chance I will not make the playoffs in either fantasy league.

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:   

For tonight's stream, the goal is focused on the Citadel DLC and hanging out with the crew of hte Normandy as well as the party. Following that, the assault on the Cerberus Base and Earth will be the next big things.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Sunday, August 21, 2022

A Saturday of Fall Guys, Smite and MultiVersus

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream ended up being the usual randomness for a Saturday, leading off with Fall Guys, and I actually game close to actually winning a few 'shows', but came up just a hair short in various circumstances. Hell one elimination I suffered was literally at the last second when I thought I was clear for the next round!  Still we had a lot of fun, and I did see some new things I haven't before which just tells me the developers really love coming with various gimmicks.

We loaded up Smite to play a few matches, mainly to do some challenges and I had a hell of a good game as Eset with 8 kills 1 death and 26 assists. Hell by the time the match ended one of my team mates didn't even hit level 19... and the opposing  team didn't even get past level 17. Sadly the next too matches were not as good, where we surrendered in one.... and started off missing a person in the other.

We closed out the night with MultiVersus, getting in matches as Shaggy, Tom & Jerry, Shaggy, Battman, Jake the Dog, Wonder Woman, Harley Quinn and others. We won maybe 40% of the matches played, and I had a couple of matches where I had 3 or 4 Eliminations. I did go all in to nab the battle pass, because I feel like I can get a few rewards that would end up looking cool and unique. Plus Tax got a Space Jam '96 skin... and you can't beat that... well you can with Harley's Mad Love skin... but still...

MultiVersus Achievements

  • Bring A Friend: Get 10 Double Ringouts
  • Social Butterfly: Play 25 matches in a party
Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on Kalenal who was playing Final Fantasy XIV over at!  

Amazingly there were no breaks in the stream thanks to Xfinity related issues last night. We'll chalk that up as a win.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Sway Back Combo, Beginner Combo #2 and Advanced Combo #1 for 34 minuets.

Watched the South Park 25th Anniversary Concert last night, and it's real easy to forget just how good the original music created for South Park was during its long run on the air.

Finished the Commission request for a story featuring Katara from Avatar The Last Airbender. Sure the characters are completely 'out of character' thanks to my unfamiliarity with the show, but I think it turned out decent overall.

What's the worst part of being an egg? You only get laid once (and it's with your mom)!

Three fish are in a tank. One asked the others, "How the heck do you drive this thing?"

The Mindset of the GOP is really becoming more disgusting which is amazing considering hot was just a few weeks ago The party of law and order suddenly doesn't want the law applied to them? Granted this has its roots in the South where White Slave owners didn't want the law applied to them which lead to the civil war back in the 1800s.

It's the start of a new week so let's recap all the game we featured last week which was Overwatch, Mass Effect 3, Fallout 76, Final Fantasy XIV, Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r], Fall Guys, Smite and MultiVersus!

Sony of the Day: My Immortal by Evanescence

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:  

For tonight's stream Overwatch is on deck to kick off the new week as it does every Sunday!

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Thoughts on Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r]

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night we played on Thoughts on Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r] on the PlayStation 4... which is the definitive version of Under Night In-Birth. Now back in 2018 we did featured the Steam version which didn't have the story mode cl-r has... but I'm actually disappointed in the story mode in how it's presented. No English dubbing which completely takes me out getting lost in the story and being able to split my attention... not to mention the story mode is just straight story, no fights in between or choices to break things up and make things interesting. Compared to the story mode in say most of the BlazBlue games and Persona 4 Arena, it is also incredibly slow paced. Needless to say, this is the lone negative of the game.

The fighting mechanics are really solid, and the tutorial (which we spent a good hour with) really lays thr ground work for a lot f things before getting overly complicated.  Under Night In-Birth is a 4 button fighter, so picking up on combos and sequences is fairly intuitive. It's also has one of the most balanced AI difficulties set for default, meaning when I lost at times, I certainly didn't feel cheated.

Visually, Under Night In Birth is quite easy on the eyes, all the characters have distinctive designs that stand out from each other, like one is not going to confuse Mika for Linnie or Hyde for Seth. The audio mix is certainly on the loud side for sure, even when dropping the music volume to 50% and sound effects to 70%.

So how am I going to feature Under Night In-Birth going forward... well I figure doing arcade runs with every character is a given, plus there are some achievements I feel I can obtained in Score Attack and Time Attack. The Score attack one involves earning a cumulative score of over 1 Billion, and Time Attack involves clearing it 3 times with 3 different characters with times less than 12 minutes. Using Mike my time was about 12 Minutes 40 seconds, and I feel I could've easily came in under 12 minutes if one fight didn't go 3 rounds. 

Basically, Under Night In-Birth will be featured next Friday!

Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r] Trophies

  • A New Character Appears in the Hollow Night: Cleared the first chapter in Tutorial Mode.
  • In-Birth Newbie: Cleared 20 objectives in Tutorial Mode.
  • The Strength of One: Cleared 50 objectives in Tutorial Mode.
  • Battle Scars: Cleared 80 objectives in Tutorial Mode.
  • Got This: Cleared 100 objectives in Tutorial Mode.
  • CLANK!: Caused a GRD Break. (Not unlockable in Training Mode, Tutorial Mode, or Mission Mode.)
  • It's Just A Matter of Time Now: Landed a Veil Off attack on a Vorpal-state opponent. (Not unlockable in Training Mode, Tutorial Mode, or Mission Mode.)
  • My Life Just Flashed Before My Eyes: Won the round with less than 30% health remaining. (Not unlockable in Training Mode, Tutorial Mode, or Mission Mode.)
  • Start of the Chronicles: Viewed the complete Prologue in Chronicle Mode.
  • 120% Gauge Recovery!: Performed Chain Shift while possessing 6 or more GRDs. (Not unlockable in Training Mode, Tutorial Mode, or Mission Mode.)
  • What a SMART Move: Used Smart Steer. (Not unlockable in Training Mode, Tutorial Mode, or Mission Mode.)
  • Forgot to Chain Shift: Defeated an opponent while still in Vorpal state. (Not unlockable in Training Mode, Tutorial Mode, or Mission Mode.)
  • Cross-Cast Veil Off: Used Cross-Cast Veil Off. (Not unlockable in Training Mode, Tutorial Mode, or Mission Mode.)
  • Infinitely Worthy: Pressed A+B+C during Cross-Cast Veil Off to execute Infinite Worth. (Not unlockable in Training Mode, Tutorial Mode, or Mission Mode.)
  • A Job Well Done: Cleared Arcade Mode with any character.
  • Still the Beginning: Unlocked 5 scenes in Chronicle Mode.
  • Here's Where It Gets Interesting: Unlocked 10 scenes in Chronicle Mode.
  • Ultimate, Unlimited, Super-Devastating Finisher: Finished an opponent using Infinite Worth EXS. (Not unlockable in Training Mode, Tutorial Mode, or Mission Mode.)
  • Invincible: Perfected 5 rounds. (Not unlockable in Training Mode, Tutorial Mode, or Mission Mode.)
  • Countless Dead Bodies...: Fought over 50 matches in Survival Mode. (Losses included.)
  • Broke Free: Successfully escaped from a throw. (Not unlockable in Training Mode, Tutorial Mode, or Mission Mode.)
  • Take a Look at My Sweet Plate Collection: Purchased all Plates in [Character Plate 1].
  • A Little More to Go: Unlocked 15 scenes in Chronicle Mode.
  • Welcome to the Hollow Night: Viewed Hilda's complete scene in Chronicle Mode.
  • End of the Chronicles: Viewed all scenes in Chronicle Mode.

Twitch Clips

We picked up a new follower during last night's stream in mika_returna_enthusiast who is a big Under Night In-Birth fan! They also stream it seems, so I'll have to try and check them out when they are live on their channel at

For the raid we dropped in on KingRegen who was playing RumbleVerse over at

On a slight downer note, YrGamerBunni has chosen to step back from streaming and content creations to focus on IRL stuff. Here's hoping the best for them! 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Uppercut Combo #1, Hook Combo #1 and Waist Shape Focus Combo for 31 minutes.

Fitness Boxing 2 Weekly Stats 8/14 to 8/20

  • Punches Thrown: 7839
  • Estimated Calories Burned: 3189.09 kcal
  • Laura's Champion Progress: 80% (40 out of 50 hours trained)
  • King EX Fight Progress: 95%
  • Fitness Boxing 2 Consecutive Days: 617
  • Fitness Boxing 1 & 2 Consecutive Days: 775

How do you make holy water? You boil the hell out of it.

A jumper cable walks into a bar. The bartender says, "I'll serve you, but don't start anything."

Song of the Day:  Alone! By Marshmello

Not surprised that the Phillies lost to the Mets last night,,, the reality check of them facing a better team is really going to make listening to sports radio on Monday morning.

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:   

For tonight's stream, we're going to do a random night of stuff,  so on that note we'll see you later over on!