Monday, July 11, 2022

Overwatch, Tweaking And Other Things

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream of Overwatch got off to a rough start with a couple of upstream signal issues that to completely disrupted everything. Still we had a fun time with some mixed results on the win and loss front. Big shout outs to PandaSweet, OWSpeed and TokiDoki for being apart of several matches over the course of the night. In terms of Plays of the Game, my weekly streak continued, picking up two as Other characters used included Reinhardt, Tracer, Ashe, Mei, Echo, Moira, & Symmetra.

On a side note I do feel I should've had a third play of the game when I was using Echo because I certainly had a very good moment using her. Oh well, at least in that match PandaSweet picked up the POTG!

As some saw, I was making changes to how my stream looks again, as the green screen settings are starting to drive me batty again. So we flipped back to the blue screen and I'm figuring out a few different things using Image Blend Masks to make things a little different.

Twitch Clips

We didin't do a raid last night, instead we hosted Starofsyzygy who was starting just as I was about to hit 'End Stream', they were doing a chill stream over at!

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Difficult Challenge COmbo #1, Intermediate Combo #1 and Biceps Shape Focus Combo for 34 minutes.

Finished the Spider-Man commission fic request yesterday afternoon, which turned out rather well, and I ended up getting another commission request, which takes me back to the WWE to feature something starring Xia Li. Managed to piece together an intro following the stream, so with luck I'll have it done in a couple of days

Watched another episode of Stargate SG-1 last night as well, titled 'The First Commandment' (Season 1, Episode 5). This episode sees the team going after a missing squad whose leader declared themself to be a 'god' for a planet of primitive beings. There is a cute explanation about why every planet has trees (that every planet was tera-formed), but this also is a work around regarding where a lot of exterior scenes were filmed (in and around Vancouver, British Columbia). This was another episode that had a plot that saw a factor in regard to Captain Carter, in that she was engaged to the episode's antagonist at one point in time.

I did try Climpchamp as an alternate way of making videos, and while it has some great features the fact it does not have a standard save to disk format makes it a pain in the ass to deal with.

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:

 For tonight's stream I'm not sure exactly what we'll be doing at the time I'm writing this but I shall be up to something.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

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