Saturday, June 11, 2022

From the End Of Persona 5 into the Royal Content

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream of Persona 5 Royal did have two stream resets due to an apparent issues with the upstream, so now I'm narrowing things down as to the problems I'm having with Xfinity. Looking forward to the technician coming out to check the tap, wires and possible the modem... but at least now I can give more of a detail of what I'm seeing.

The stream itself picked up with everything heading up into the God of Control and the aftermath that leads into the Royal content, including the 'revelation' that Akechi is alive which is the first sign indicator things are wrong. The second indicator was the Christmas Day party which basically recycled the previous major party in the game following Shido's Palace. We managed to get up to January 20th and we still have plenty of time, so next Friday's stream will cover a trip into Mementos and the Maruki's Palace, and probably boss battle. Not to mention getting the third-tier Personas for a couple of members of the team we didn't cover tonight because getting "Kasumi" maxed out was a real pressure point.

Persona 5 Royal Trophies

  • The Thorough Trickster: Completed Mementos.
  • Awakening the Phantom Thieves: Evolved a party member's Persona.

Twitch Clips

Got a lead on a Becky Lynch Funko POP, the 'Becky 2 Belts' variant which I didn't know was a thing until yesterday. Will be nice to have the complete set... and this probably means I'll gradually add 10 more to make the collection I have even at some point.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Body Hook Combo, Beginner Combo #1 and Advanced Combo #2 for 28 minutes. This workout was down prior to 5 AM right after last night's stream.

Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise State For Week Of June 5 to 11, 2022

  • Punches Thrown: 8,966
  • Estimated Calories Burned: 3553.36 kcal
  • Sophie's Contender Progress: 80% (24/30 Hours Trained)
  • King EX Fighter Progress: 93% of all EX Achievements Acquired  

Nintendo Switch Online has been renewed for the next year, that just leaves waiting for my PlayStation Plus to expire to re-set it under its new format because Sony had the collective brains of a dead fish when trying to come up with a half-assed counter to what Nintendo and Microsoft offer.  

Saw a really cool moment that took place at the AFI Lifetime Achievement awards when five of the actors who played the Von Trapp children surprised 2022 recipient Julie Andrews during a sing-a-long of Do-Re-Mi. I'm really hoping there will be better footage of that popping up because the 'cell phone' footage may have captured the audio perfect, the footage feels like a tease.

While I am no fan of Justin Beiber, it is a shame he's being plagued by a neurological disorder called Ramsay Hunt Syndrome. From what I've read it's similiar to Bell's Palsy, but a bit more severe. It is pretty rare, happening in only 5 in every 100,000 people.Apparently it is caused by the reactivation of a shingles virus in the face, so those who had a variant of chicken pox can be vulnerable to it. 75% of those who have it recover completely, but 25% end up with some type of long term nerve damage. Hopefully Beiber will be in the 76% category.

For tonight's stream I'm not sure what we're going to do because as I'll be waiting for Xfinity between the hours of 4 and 6 PM Eastern, so by the time they leave we'll be seeing what trouble I get up to.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

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