Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Completed 3 Of Persona 4 Arena's Story Arcs

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream was mostly without incident, with the exception of a weird outage at 9:10 PM, as it appears there was a disruption of not just my internet service but also my cable service as well, at least according to the Xfinity app. It's the first sign of a problem since Saturday afternoon. 

Anyway, we went through the story mode of Persona 4: Arena for Aigis& Labrys to completion as well as the back portion for Yukiko. There was certainly a lot of back story revealed for Labrys and atd the same time Aigis as well in terms of their origin but boy did it raise a ton of questions about how the hell the continuity works with the various arcs for each characters. Unlike in BlazBlue where every story felt connected, with some time-manipulation, I'm really not sure if a a similar gimmick is in place with P4A because of how Aigis and Yukiko's endings seem quite definitive. Of course we'll be continuing going through Persona 4: Arena during next week's line up to work our way through full story arcs from start to finish (and finding the joke endings as well). This will be possible because we did do Labrys's story in full so nearly everyone will have a straight path to the end.

Huge thanks to Redneck_23 and Iceman7667 for renewing their sub to my Twitch channel, as well as to YrGamerBunni for the bits!

Persona 4: Arena Achievements

  • The President: Labrys' Story chapter has been told.
  • The Unconquerable: Yukiko's Story chapter has been told.
  • The Angel: Aigis' Story chapter has been told.

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on Elden Ring who was playing Elden Ring over at

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Advanced Combo #1, Sway Back Combo and Beginner Combo #2 for 34 minutes

Jeff Hardy was arrested... again... it seems like being away from the WWE is not what was best for him; because he was working a toned down style prior to literally walking out... and now after going to AEW and going balls out in the ring again, look at how quickly he's falling into old habits.  

Since the Score Board Bot was working, it meant I was able to keep tract of the Phillies epic collapse to the Marlins last night... I told ya'll that hot streak they were on wasn't because Joe Giradi was fired.

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:   

I was surprised that there was a huge Fallout 76 patch update (25+ GBs) which I promptly installed last night, so it's going to be interesting to see what it involves. Also learned that with the new seasons the 'scoreboard thing' resets, so there is real incentive to try and do daily activities

Of course that will relate to tonight's stream which of course will featured Fallout 76, and Iceman will most likely join us for more shenanigans!

So on that note we'll see you later over at!

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