Wednesday, May 25, 2022

More Lego Batman Fun; Thoughts on Bill & Ted: Face The Music

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream of Lego Batman: The Video Game saw a big focus on the second episodes for Hero and Villain, obviously starting with Batman first then the villain side of things. There are a few notable things taken from Batman returns, in that Catwoman and Penguin are teamed up, you get a rooftop battle against Catwoman and you end up an a snow covered zoo. Granted Penguin looks more in line with how he looks in the Batman '66 television series, which is an interesting contrast when Catwoman has a moderately more modern look. Speaking of an odd look, but Batgirl's grey, blue and yellow attire certainly reminds me of the late silver and early bronze age of comics.

Of course, when will the next time we dedicate time to Lego Batman: The Video Game, that will be on Monday, Memorial Day, I'm planning to start that stream maybe and hour or two early because the goal will be to do Chapters 3 for both the Hero and Villain side of the story, as well as play the two bonus missions.

LEGO Batman Achievements

  • Nice Outfit!: Collect all suits.
  • Shot to the goon.: Defeat 8 goons in 8 seconds.
  • Super Hero.: Complete the second episode - Hero.
  • Dressed to Impress.: Get all suit upgrades.
  • The Richest Man in Gotham.:Max out the stud counter.
  • Make it snappy.: Build the Croc ride on.
  • Super-villain.: Complete the second episode - Villain.

Twitch Clips

For the raid last night we dropped in on Joliet4 as they were doing a music stream over at! You can check out their music over at Spotify!

Now we did end the stream early last night, because I learned earlier in the day that Bill & Ted: Face the Music is available through my Amazon Prime membership, so I ended up watching it. It is a really quick paced film that serves as a great continuation of what was seen in the first two films (and Television series, both Live Action & Animated... not quite sure how the continuity works with the Bill & Ted Franchise). I felt Alex Winter certainly captured alot of his younger self in his performance, but Keanu Reeves kind of felt a bit off the mark. Samara Weaving and Brigette Lundy-Paine certainly stole the show as Bill & Ted's daughters, as they really came across as if they studied the first two films to get the mannerisms and speak inflection Winters and Reeves used in the first two films.In fact, I would go as far to say I wouldn't mind seeing a continuation of the franchise with the focus being on Lundy-Paine and Weaving's characters going forward, as in many regards, the ending of Bill & Ted Face the Music could be seen as a passing of the torch.

And since yesterday was a work day where there was actual work, the assignment was a bit average, trying to get feed back regarding major medical facilities. It's amazing how people cannot understand a question of 'If you had to go to a hospital for a specific reason where would you go?'. Anyway I was told that today I would have an assignment as well, so hopefully that doesn't change at the last minutes.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Intermediate Combo #2, Hook Combo #1 and Beginner Combo #2. We also did a little extra to make sure the workout was over 30 minutes.

I was asked how does one go about writing a fan fic, and my process is simple, I have a basic outline of how I want something to go and I stick to it. If I'm being paid a commission I'll try and take into account the client's input.  

The tragedy in Texas yesterday, where 18 children were killed, will serve as another reminder at just how callous and uncaring the Republican party is when it comes to gun control. Of course, we're not shocked by this, remember back in 2012 with the Sandy Hook incident that Republican law makers sided with the Gun Lobbyists in order to line their own pockets than do the right thing.

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:    

For tonight's stream, we're jumping back into Fallout 76, with more fun in the ruins of West Virginia. Maybe I'll figure out how to make a house... who knows.

So on that note we'll you later over on



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