Monday, April 18, 2022

The Clear Inspiration For Final Fantasy XIV's New Alliance Raid

Good afternoon everyone,

Completely caught up on the 6.1 Main Story Quest content of Final Fantasy XIV and I was right in my assumption that everything is being done to set up further expansions down the line. That said, I did do the story line for Myths of the Realm, which is the side story for the Alliance Raid called 'Aglaia'... and boy did I struggle with the first two big bosses of it, which the knock off the edge mechanics. Also, it appears that this Alliance Raid story arc has some heavy influence from the Greek Myths.  

Think about it, it is basically stated that these higher beings exist in their own realm, that they assume another form to 'observe' things up close,  and let's not forget the fact that '
Aglaia' is an alternate spelling for 'Aglaea' who was one of the three Charities in Greek Mythology.  In fact I will not be surprised if the next two Alliance Raids are named after the other two Charities, 'Euthymia' and the other being 'Thaleia' as these are the alternate names for 'Euphrosyne' and 'Thalia'. Granted 'Euphrosyne' has a second alternate name in 'Eutychia '

Anyway, last night's stream of Overwatch was a lot of fun as we played nearly every match with friends and associates, Big thanks to PandaSweet, BangBangBang and BloodyClown for being apart of the action! Now in addition to Quick Play matches, we also worked in some of the Archive matches, a couple of Mystery Heroes and Mayhem matches. Characters who I ended up using ended up being, Wrecking Ball Reinhardt, and Moira, who I picked up three play of the games as during the stream. So all in all a great night. I also had a play of the game as Wrecking Ball but it did not save for whatever reason...

Of course of the clips, one should probably take a look at the third one, because I've rewatched it a few times, and I'm still not 100% sure exactly how the hell did I survive being knocked off the ledge twice by Winston. I think my expression says it all. 

Twitch Clip Links

For last night's raid, we dropped in on PradoxGamerAU who was playing Rune Factory 5 over at!  

Today's Fitness Boxing daily workout involved Hook COmbo #1, Waist Shape Focus Combo and Block Combo.

I have enjoyed adding an instrumental track to the nightly highlight reels over on has added a lot, and worked out rather nicely because of how low the game audio is during my streams.  

Not at all surprised that the Phillies could not follow up their offensive output from Saturday night against the Marlins, as they got yet another reality check yesterday afternoon in a blow-out loss. That said, as I look at my Fantasy Baseball team, I'm considering dropping both Jonathan India and Mark Canha from my squad, but hopefully they'll be able to return to help stabilize who I have available most days. I did dropped Alex Kirilloff and replaced him with Trey Mancini

I've been kicking around a few idea for some fan fics, some based around Mass Effect, I'll probably pass them along to a few folks I know instead of writing them myself.

For tonight's stream we'll be returning to Mass Effect 2, as we'll search for any loose missions in areas of the galaxy map thanks to maps found last week before focusing on recruiting Thane and Samara.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

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