Sunday, April 24, 2022

A Night of Dragon Ball Z: Budokai

Good afternoon everyone

Last night's stream featured Dragon Ball Z: Budokai on the PlayStation 2... and we went through the entire story mode to unlock every character, so that meant doing the World Tournament mode to end up unlocking Hercule. A lot of the inputs for many of the characters is the same, which meant a lot of tactics I ended up using ended up being the same for all the characters I played as. Visually, the game does hold up fairly well for being 20 years old (it was released in November of 2002), the sound mixing is pretty damn solid as well.

Now since we were going through the story mode to unlock every character (mostly for bragging rights), let's talk about how unbalanced it is. By default, you end up mostly playing as Goku thought all of his big fights (Raditz, Vegeta, Recoome, Ginyu, Frieza, Android 19 and Cell), before switching to Gohan as the focus in the Cell Games portion of the story mode. There is one opportunity to play as Piccolo, and it's for his first encounter against Imperfect Cell. The only opportunity to play as other characters, mostly more fights as Piccolo and Vegeta are avaliable when going back into the Story Mode for 'extra content', seeing some things from a different angle or 'What if' scenario, such as the infamous Cell absorbing Krillian scenario.

Of course Dragon Ball Z: Budokai is probably most remember for being one of the many Dragon Ball properties that had issues with its music because the original composer plagiarized the works for others. So when the game was re-released in a HD Collection with Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3 in the Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 era, all the music was changed.

Twitch Clip Links

Big thanks to Kalenal for the raid, they were streaming Final Fantasy XIV over at!

For the raid last night we dropped in on Phanir who was playing Dragon Ball FighterZ over at!  

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout involved Uppercut Combo #2, Body Hook Combo and Body Uppercut Combo.

Yesterday, over on The Game Theory YouTube channel, the content creator Mathew 'MatPat' Patrick probably said some of the most elitist bullshit possible by trying to say he has not contributed in any way to ruining the plans of Game Developers while also saying that 'Let's Play' content creators (like myself) aren't the real fans of many of the games he covers because don't dive deep into the lore like he and other 'theory' channels do. Now in that video, he said he was contacted by a developer who 'jokingly' asked if he had an inside source at their company because one of his videos was way to accurate as it related to something they were working on, while also pointing out that other developers admitted to changing plans because of things said on his and similar channels. The results some time can be completely different than what was clearly intended or make the game worse... and MatPat has the balls to say they shouldn't have done that, that the developers should've just let him be right about his theory.

So that all said,  let me explain something to MatPat, as someone who has done their fair share of theorizing on different things I enjoy, expanded on lore with my own personal head cannon to predict where things could go... it is the job of the creators of the video games to try and surprise the vast audience of gamers who want an entertaining experience, regardless of the genre. If the developers feel you are a hindrance to their efforts because of how accurate you happen to be, and feel that they have to change their plans, then guess what, it is your fault. People saw it with the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise, they saw it with Bendy & The Ink Machine, and they saw it with Hello Neighbor.

One last thing on this topic, if MatPat had the balls to claim credit for spiking interest in some of those games that I mention, then he should accept the blame when developers feel like they have to subvert expectations beyond what they intended to try and get to their end goal.

I gave Civilization VI a try last night, and boy... it's no where near as good as Civilization V... or even Civilization IV. I found the interface and changes to be extremely clunky and not as natural to figure out as compared to earlier entries in the series. Guess we won't be featuring that on a series of streams any time soon.

It's the start of a new week, so lets recap what we did last week with the Twitch Bits vid, which features Overwatch, Mass Effect 2, Fallout 76, Final Fantasy XIV, Persona 5 Royal, & Dragon Ball Z: Budokai!

For tonight's stream it's of course Overwatch as we'll messing around with it. If I'm able to get into the Overwatch 2 Beta this week we'll try and dedicate a night to it, depending on if things line to where we can feature it. 

Anyway we'll see you later over on!

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