Friday, March 18, 2022

Casual Thursday's Are Casual

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream was a casual experience, as we made sure to do the Pandemonium raids good and early, and finally got the parts needed to get the best armor I can get from the relic drops. I still need several runs of the fourth circle to get the best possible weapon I would want to get. We also had a nice time fishing getting to level 52, but then I learned there are special fishing requirements that require like multiple levels of mooching... I think I'll continue to level up fishing to try and get the best possible gear for it.

That said, I started up the Botanist skill quest and safe to say I like it a lot more than carpentry as it just makes sense the way Fishing does. In fact gathering is a lot more fun than trying to go through the nonsense that is the crafting in FF14, which is just as convoluted if not more so than Star Trek Online. In fact I was able to shoot up to level 16 as a botanist fairly quickly... while also running from enemies.

Twitch Clip Links

  1. I got hit by a few things
  2. We're Fishing In A Casual Manner
  3. Lush vegetation

For the raid we dropped in on x9abenonymous9x who was playing We Were Here Together with FnDanteSavage over at

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Difficulty Challenge Combo #3, Difficulty Challenge Combo #1 and Difficulty Challenge Combo #2. While the daily workout was only 34 minutes, I did enough free training to break the hour mark for the first time since May  8, 2021. My longest workout is at 1 hour 10 minutes, while today's was 1 hour 1 minute.

Also as some saw, we adjust things to a more full screen perspective of the games being featured that are 16:9, older games will still been seen in a 4:3 ratio. Will also see about bumping up the Bit rate output as well to resolve some issues when streaming PC games looking a bit blurry in comparison to console games.

It does not surprise me that some of the 8 Republicans who voted against punishing Russia are Trump supporters.

I do love it when the supervisors think they'll get me to start earlier than I'm scheduled. The reason I start when I do is to avoid being jerked around with start times changing as those who start earlier than me often have happen. Of course I often get jerked around with shifts ending early for one reason or another.

Managed to pick up a few more achievements in Garfield Kart Furious Racing last night following the stream to extend my current daily Xbox achievement streak to 36 days, putting one day behind my 3rd longest streak. Now would I go for 100% completion on this game? Probably not, I don't really have the reflex to chase after the gold objective times in the various game modes. I figure there are maybe three more achievement I could possibly get if I assume certain things hold true as it relates to acquiring the hats and spoilers.

Garfield Kart Furious Racing Achievements
  • Geroni-cat!!!: Trigger a super cannon start
  • Purrrfect Spoiler: Win your 1st spoiler
  • Feline it: Use your 1st perfect combo in a race
  • Jumpin' cat flash: Complete your 1st image

For tonight's stream we'll be returning to Persona 5 Royal to continue the saga of the Phantom Thieves as we deal with the second Palace story arc!

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

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