Wednesday, March 23, 2022

An Unlikely Trio of Games Featured

Good afternoon everyone,

Well you know something is off when there's an afternoon blog in the middle of the week, anyway... last night's stream  featured a trio of games, Garfield Kart: Furious Racing, WWE 2K15 and Paladins.

For the Garfield Kart: Furious Racing portion, we mostly focused on featuring every course on 'normal difficulty' and we managed to unlock a few things by managing to finish in first place a handful of times. The A.I. is really brutal with some of the items... and of course I lost a few first place finishes due to not remembering parts of some courses.

The WWE 2K15 portion saw a handful of matches played to make progress towards a few achievements. The big highlight was going wire to wire as The Big Show in the Royal Rumble when I went for the achievement associated with eliminating 12 other individuals. I'm surprised that also was a diamond achievement... like come on folks, how could only 7% of Xbox players have managed that?! There was one particularly hilarious moment that is listed in the clips section below regarding Rob Van Dam.

WWE 2K15 Achievements

  • Over the ropes you go!: Eliminate 12 opponents with the same Superstar in a single Royal Rumble match. (Single play)

The Paladins portion of the stream saw me playing a lot as Dredge to work on the Trials associated with his character... and boy did I see a wonderful array of intentional throwing of matches. The good news is the extra practice of a character I didn't like when they were first added to the game, and I like Dredge's kit even less now. 

Of course the stream went long, and well, there were reasons for that, but hey we had a good night.

Twitch Clip Links 

  1. Wheee.... oh... that went wrong
  2. You know what... 
  3. Getting some big air with Garfield!
  4. RVD Picked A Bad Time To Fire Up 
  5. Achievement: Over the top rope you go!
  6. We ride in to bring the heals 

For the raid last night we dropped in on Phoenix_face who I haven't seen streaming in a while, they were playing Counter-Strike: Global Offensive over at!  They said they are intending to stream on Tuesdays, so we'll be able to keep an eye out for them in the future,

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Left Right Step Combo, Advanced Combo #2 and Double Combo #2. We set a new personal best and record with Sway Back Combo set to No Mercy Difficulty, 738 perfect actions performed! Woo-hoo! Anyway since work has been slow yesterday and Today, and I've put in extra time in working out, we're up to 27 out of 30 hours trained for Evan's Contender. Might as well put in the extra effort right?

There was an 8.7 GB update for Smite, and if there is one thing I can say about the developers of that game is that their updates are never small. Speaking of updates, made sure to to update Star Trek Online to see if there was anything I'm missing... nope, just more of the generic 'events' involving daily cycles of a handful of Task Force Ops.

Messed around with #SinucaAttack, which is a puzzle game where you use a pool cue to hit balls into boxes and switches to advance... and before I knew it I had all of the games achievements unlocked. It is a very basic game, but it doesn't fully tell you all the controls, LB is the jump, RB is the charge the cue stick (or a quick tab to give a ball a nudge)... but to aim you have to use the right analog stick, which is not disclosed. For a cheap little game, it's an easy way to boost ones Xbox achievement score. 

#SinucaAttack Achievements

  • Ball Hitter I: Hit balls 6 times
  • Ball Hitter II: Hit balls 20 times
  • Ball Hitter III: Hit balls 40 times
  • Level Master I: Beat level 1
  • Switch Hero I: Hit switches 2 times.
  • Level Master II: Beat level 2
  • Level Master III: Beat level 3
  • Switch Hero II: Hit switches 6 times.
  • Level Master IV: Beat level 4
  • Level Master V: Beat level 5
  • Level Master VI: Beat level 6
  • Switch Hero III: Hit switches 12 times.
  • Level Master VII: Beat level 8
  • Level Master VIII: Beat level 10
  • Level Master IX: Beat level 12

For tonight's stream we'll be looking to finish up Gears of War Ultimate Edition with Iceman while getting all the COG tags, but before that, there will be some random gaming.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

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