Wednesday, March 2, 2022

A Night Dedicated To The Street Fighter Alpha Anthology

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream ended up featuring every single game that was apart of the Street Fighter Alpha Anthology which was released for the PlayStation 2 back in 2006. This meant last night we played Street Fighter Alpha, Street Fighter Alpha 2, Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold, Street Fighter Alpha 3, Street Fighter Zero 3 Upper and Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix!

Now I am no stranger to Alpha. Alpha 2 and Alpha 3, in fact we played all of those games last year using the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection, and despite the different feel a PlayStation 2 controller has when playing a fighting game versus a Xbox controller really not much of a difference here. Though I will say we did do the Dynamic battle mode in all three of those games and the only one I was able to complete was Alpha 3's. I will also say this, playing Alpha 2 did saw me face Shin Akuma... it did not go well

Now I've never played Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold before, and yes its the Sega Saturn port of Alpha 2... but goodness me, the music tracts for it sound terrible in comparison to the original tracks. Near as I could 'hear', the Gold mix for Alpha 2 has a lot more tremble and a lot less bass, which makes things sounds way off. Add onto it the cowbell in Sodom's theme is rather irritating, and the butchered mess that is Sakura's theme needs to be lost to time.

The version Zero 3 Upper is the version of Alpha 3 that was for the the PlayStation 1, DreamCast and Sega Saturn, which means it has the expanded console roster, which I believe gave it the largest in game selection of characters for any Capcom fighting game up to that point only to be surpassed by Marvel vs Capcom 2. I could be wrong about that. Anyway, not much of a difference between Zero 3 Upper and Alpha 3 near as I can tell... but we did beat M.Bison as Sakura with it, making it twice I beat a version of Alpha 3's final boss with her.

Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix, aka Pocket Fighter, was a real joy to play. I have seen Maximilian_Dood ( play it, so I kind of had a good idea of the mechanics of getting the gems to power up the special moves... but even with seeing gameplay of it before, a lot of the stuff in the background caught my attention... such as Dimitri's sliding across a floor, DeeJay rocking out behind the bar, and M.Bison apparently taking Cammy shopping

All in all I had a blast with all these games last night and I was glad I grabbed a copy of  Street Fighter Alpha Anthology when I did in 2020, because it made for an awesome stream.

Now since Alpha 2 Gold, Zero 3 Upper and Super Gem Fighter were all new things (to me), I am going to count the arcade runs of those three games on this year's tour.

For the raid we dropped in on Oldish22 who was playing Elden Ring over at!

Twitch Clip Links

  1. Caught Her!
  2. First time facing Shin Akuma... I was not prepared 
  3. The Trade Off In Our Favor! (Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold)
  4. Defeating Bison with Sakura... AGAIN!!!!! (Street Fighter Zero 3 Upper) 
  5. Mighy Combo Finish!

I have decided to remove BitBoss from the stream, as the way it keeps acting up makes it more frustrating than it should be. 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout lasted 31 minutes with Uppercut Combo #1, Body Straight Combo and Triple Combo #1 for an estimated calorie burn of 414 kcal.

Went back into Light Fairytail Episode 1 to clear out the remaining achievements, and the stealth minigame was certainly a pain in the ass, had to do it three times because I didn't realize what the score was needed to get the 'Ex-Number One' achievement on the first run (it's 105, I stopped at 95), on the second attempt I got caught at 100... so that left a third attempt. Still I take some pride in being the 470th person over on TrueAchievements to complete the game, so that's a positive!

Light Fairytale Episode 1 Achievements

  • 250+ HP damage: Did a 250+ single HP damage to an enemy.
  • High scorers club: Got a high score of 75+ in the stealth minigame.
  • Number one: Got the stealth contest's ultimate prize.
  • Ex-number one: Got an orb from the former number one.
  • All cleared!: Cleared all the achievements. Congratulations!

Iceman will not be joining us this evening, so the start of Gears of War: Ultimate Edition will be delayed, man has not had a day off in a few weeks!

So for tonight's stream we'll mess around with what ever comes to mind! 

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

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