Saturday, February 19, 2022

A Safe First Start To Persona 5 Royal

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night we finally started up Persona 5 Royal, and yeah I certainly made the good call of choosing to only feature it on Friday nights, because of the Visual Novel aspect of it that is so well done, and thankfully nearly fully voiced means mostly kicking back and enjoying the story. Of course since I went with the 'safe' difficulty for a first time play through, I figure it would be a smart way to do things. Besides, the game play mechanics, while turn base, seems to have some nuances to them that seem a bit baffling to me.

Still, I am surprised that lead characters "Joker" is such a blank slate, sure his circumstances for being where he is at the start of the game is quite contrived, but I guess the silent protagonist does allow for us to imprint how he should be. There are clear choices with the dialog that probably have some sort of consequence, which means making the best choice may not be the correct one. 

In terms of the setting, things are certainly well detailed, and it's clear we are in Tokyo, and that little fact was certainly made clear when trying to figure out where to go for certain places are in the 'real world', because unless I get fairly close to a sign or door, I can't tell what some places are. As far as the Metaverse goes, well I've only had a couple of trips into the maze of the Castle, but I haven't finished the first story arc yet so I haven't seen much variants. The enemies are have some very nice designs, some clearly inspired by some sort of nightmare fuel.

But I can say that I am very much looking forward to dealing with the Volley Ball instructed Kamoshida and his 'castle', based on a lot of the stuff I've seen with the story so far. Certainly there were quite a few things that made me uncomfortable to various degrees with what was implied and not so implied, of course having an understanding that some things are different in other countries makes the bitter pill easier to swallow but yeah I was... stunned to say the least.

For the raid, we dropped in on MommyBee who was playing Persona 5, the classic version, so I saw some stuff that proved to be some minor spoilers for when I get like 90 hours into it! She streams over at!

Persona 5 Royal Trophies

  • Spirit of Rebellion: Obtained Arsène.

Twitch Clip Links

  1. That JERK!!!!!
  2. We don't have Max to rewind time! 
  3. Well it's dead! 

Todays Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout lasted 31 minutes with Body Straight Combo, Uppercut Combo #1 and Triple Combo #1 for an estimated calorie burn of 441 kcal. And as always when it comes to the weekly stats, keep in mind that I do typical put in a little more work in than just the daily workout..

Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise Stats 2/13 to 2/19/2022

  • Punches Thrown: 10,995
  • Estimated Calorie Burn: 4536.84 kcal
  • Current Hiro's Champion Progress: 38 out of 50 Hours Trained

Last night the first 2022 Live Letter for Final Fantasy XIV came out, the producer, Naoki Yoshida stated there would be no major announcements during it, asit seemed to be a retrospective over the games first eleven years, that there are plans to upgrade the look of the game & to improve the solo play experience.

The possibility of a major graphics over all while nice, isn't really all that necessary. Yes the FF14 is eleven years old, but for a high quality MMO it certainly has proven that it has the substance to keep people playing day in day out, year after year. Also considering what happened with the Life is Strange: Remastered Collection, kinda worried about what glitched in a  'Remastered' version of Final Fantasy XIV could happen.

At this time the road map lists Main Sstory updates, possibly the return of the Hildibrand adventures, a series of side quests involving Tataru. It looks like the 6.1 patch is slated for April 2022, with a new alliance raid, new tribe quests, a new ultimate duty which I probably will not worry about doing since I have so much trouble keeping up with level 90 normals. Looks like the Trust System will gradually be added to the Main Story retroactively starting with the dungeons in the  A Realm Reborn arc.

All in all, some exciting stuff coming to Final Fantasy XIV... and unlike Star Trek Online, there's an actual plan!

For tonight's stream we're probably going to wing it, either play some older stuff from the PlayStation One era, or some casual nonsense with more modern things. I have not made up my mind at the time this is posted We shall see!

Anyway, we'll see you later over on!

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