Sunday, January 23, 2022

That's right we played Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe last night!

Good afternoon everyone,

If there is any proof that I will feature some random nonsense on my Twitch channel last night proved it.

And yes as you can tell we played Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe last night, and it's a game I haven't fully touched in a very long time. I think maybe we took a quick look at the PS3 one last year at some point, but for me to sit down and play it for several hours I feel the last time I did that was maybe 10 years ago. For the stream, we used the digital 360 version that is on the list of X-Box's backwards compatible games

For those who don't know, MKvDC was like Midway's last gasp before they were bought out by Warner Brothers and became Nether Realm Studios, and is the rather unusual crossover between Mortal Kombat and DC Comics. The story is Shao Khan and Darkseid are merged into one being because at the same time Superman and Raiden try to stop them as they were teleporting away, and now the two universes are merging.

Gameplay wise... it's the 3D arena style that Midway was using for the Mortal Kombat series through out the PlayStation 2 era, and needless to say, while I can handle that in things like Dead or Alive, Virtua Fighter or even Tekken, it never felt right for the Mortal Kombat series. MKvDC also has probably some of the most wonky A.I. I've ever seen, regardless of difficulty setting, it will suddenly have a spike where the game will beat your ass down. Graphically, it holds up fairly well, there are some weirdness where some stuff looks more like body paint than actual clothing, and some designs are rather odd out right,

But probably the thing that most people remember most about MKvDC is the story mode, as it is the game that basically launched the trend of every fighting game having a cinematic tale where you play as the majority of the roster. MKvDC is unique in that you can see the story from two different points of view, the Mortal Kombat side, and the DC Universe side... which is the one we did for the stream. Some of the story details are goofy, but then again the entire concept of the game itself is goofy.

We will be revisiting Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe again to do the Mortal Kombat side of the story, more than likely that will be next Saturday's stream

For the raid, we sent everyone over to Kalenal who was playing Final Fantasy XIV over at!  

Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe Achievements

  • Free Fallin': Perform a Free-Fall Transition
  • The Pugilist: Perform Klose Kombat
  • Heroic Brutality!: Perform a Heroic Brutality!
  • Fatality!: Perform a Fatality!
  • Combo Champion: Perform a 10-hit combo in Arcade Mode
  • Mortal Kombat Champion: Finish arcade mode with an MK character
  • Strange Forces: Complete Chapter 1 - DC Universe
  • Invasion: Complete Chapter 3 - DC Universe
  • Unlikely Alliance: Complete Chapter 5 - DC Universe
  • Universe Reborn: Complete DC Universe Story
  • Super Hero: Finish arcade mode with a DC character

Twitch Clip Links

  1. Heroic Brutality
  2. Sonya Blade versus Dark Khan 
  3. These are not the Bees Knees!
  4. Fatality 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Triple Combo #2, Biceps Shape Focus Combo and Intermediate Combo #1 for 31 minutes with an estimated calorie burn of 540 kcal

Played some Final Fantasy XIV last night off-stream, focused on the Main Story Quest, in particular the quests "For Thavnair Bound",  "On Low Tide" & "A Fisherman's Friend" which introduces a new open area and loads of ground to cover. I did like the NPC called Kytte who seems like a quirky genius who might end up getting someone killed with their experiments. Also discovered that some enemies are going to spawn at level 90... which means I'm going to be using my Chocobo companion quite a lot in the field

Also put in more of the grind towards completing all the achievements for Capcom Arcade Stadium while watching The Good, The Bad & The Ugly. At this point I have only one more class related achievement to reach.... but as I mentioned previously, it's to get 100,000,000 CASPO which will give the Class 20 rank, it'll take some serious grinding but it's reachable.

Capcom Arcade Stadium Achievements

  • Top of the Class: Reach Class 15: Operator.

Now getting back to The Good, The Bad & The Ugly, the version I watched was the extended cut, which runs three hours... and yeah that's a big long. Still the musical score and the pacing makes it a great watch while casually doing something else. Now yes the movie stars Clint Eastwood... but I think the true star of it is Eli Wallach who plays Tuco... who probably gets the most screen time, we get to learn about him, and by the end of the film one is rooting for Blondie (Eastwood) to shoot him down from the noose he put him in. (as pay back for Tuco getting pay back on him... yeah it's complicated) 

It's a new week, which means the Twitch Bits video is here to showcase all the games we played over the last seven days. This past week we featured Overwatch, Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise, Final Fantasy XIV, Forza Horizon 4, Gears 5, Dead or Alive 5: Last Round, Life of Fly, Paladins, Kingdom Hearts III & Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe!

For tonight's stream we'll be featuring Overwatch, as we do every Sunday night.

So on that note we'll see you over on!

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