Monday, January 31, 2022

Prosperity For Ashe, Rabbits On The Moon

Good afternoon everyone,

Always amazes me when 31 degrees feels warm.... I guess that's the big different from 9 degrees from Saturday morning!.

Anyway, last night's stream of Overwatch was the the big chase for the Prosperity Ashe skin, which was the reward for playing 27 matches (less depending on how many wins one gets) during the first week of the Lunar Event. I think the mostly red with gold trim looks really sharp, and there appears to be a dragon tattoo on the left arm. Now I normally don't play Ashe, as I'm a terrible at sniping, and it takes me way to long to build her ultimate unless I get really lucky with the dynamite.

As far as the win loss ration goes, it was mostly wins, we ended on a stretch of 8 wins and 2 losses for the final 10 matches, I picked up one Play of the Game as Also played Roadhog, Moira, Mei, Tracer, & Ashe! Big thanks to PandaSweet for being apart of the fun!

For last night's raid, we sent folks over to MATURISHBAMBINO_  who was playing House Flipper, over at Having dropped in on his streams numerous times, I can safely say he's a real good dude!

Twitch Clip Links

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily work out had me timed for a 31 minute workout featuring Hook Combo #1, Block Combo and Waist Shape Focus Combo. The estimated calorie burn was  490 kcal.

Fitness Boxing 2 Rhythm & Exercise Stats For January 2022

  • Punches Thrown 40,658
  • Estimated Calorie Burn 17,383.81 kcal

Following another burst of automatic Capcom Arcade Stadium grinding, we're up to 92 hours on it. Figure one or two more bursts would put it right to where streaming the final couple of hours of it would be doable.

So earlier in this post I talked about the Prosperity skin for Ashe in Overwatch, but what about the Rabbits on the Moon? Well that relates to all the Final Fantasy XIV Main Story Quests I did last night after the stream, going from Helping Hands up through Returning Homes, which was mostly a very long series of dialog quests, lore, plus numerous trips to find all the Aether Currents on the moon. Turns out Rabbits, or rather Loporrits have been making the moon which isn't really a moon into a giant ark to ferry the people from the world to a new home in the event of the Final Days. While interesting (and adorable) it certainly was a major info dump and a lot to take in. 

Now there was a unique moment, at the end of the quest 'Returning Home', where in a cut scene I was given a choice of who might be at the door, and of course I picked Alisaie, needless to say, she was the one character I could see visiting late at night to let her voice be heard and telling us not to do anything stupid. There is also something to be said that of all the Scions, Alisaie is the one character through the entire journey of Final Fantasy XIV that actually had plenty of casual moments with my Warrior of Light. Of course the cut scene can be replayed with different choices of who turns up at the door

For tonight's stream, we're going back to Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe, to do arcade runs with the remaining characters.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

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