Wednesday, January 19, 2022

It Took Me How Long To Reach the Start of Endwalker

Good morning everyone,

Working in market research is always fun when the quotas work against you in terms of reaching goals... but that is life!

Anyway last night's stream of Final Fantasy XIV finally saw me reached the start of Endwalker, and by start I mean I completed the first quest of the latest expansion (The Next Ship to Sail) . It's been a long road, from when I started the game back in early October... and its taken 320 + hours to reach this point. Keeping in mind I played through the entire Main Story Questline plus several Featured Side Quests not associated with unlocking new class types, not to mention times I spent dedicated to doing raids and other things.

As far as the ending to the Post-Shadowbringers content is concerned, it certainly is interesting to see that we can basically stop Fandaniel's schemes, but the showdown with Zenos is clearly the driving force for Endwalker, there is no question about that since he is the narrator. There was some nice artwork in the end-credits, plus the battle in Death Unto Dawn was interesting.

Beyond that, I did finally clear out the Gunbreaker quest that has been sitting in my 'to do' list for several weeks, as well as unlocked the Fisher class to start messing around with that. Also came across another level 50 dungeon that I apparently missed first time through.

How much of Endwalker is going to be on stream... probably not much to avoid giving spoilers, but you know I will update progress here in the blog!

For last night's raid, the fun was sent over to Sw33ts_Gaming who was playing Paladins over at

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Started work on my taxes and because of a screw-up from 2020 by the New Jersey Department of Labor that gave me an amount they owed me in 2021 as a result of their screw up the previous year, I now have a fat tax bill that I wasn't expecting and that's not counting the $30 filing charge through H&R Block. Would not have been so bad if work resumed for me two weeks ago as it should have instead of last week, because I would not have gone into my savings to get a jump on another bill. I tell ya if it ain't one thing its' another

Now I know what you're going to say, how could I not expect it considering how the tax season last year went with the IRS having to correct millions of tax returns. Simple, all my documentation didn't indicate the carry over from 2020, as it all goes year to date, so everything read 2021 with no reference to the previous year.

So since I was doing my taxes this morning, I got a late start on today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout. The exercises for today were beginner Combo #2, Weaving Combo #2 and Straight Combo #1 of 497 kcal.

The using the broken controller to grind out hours in Capcom Arcade Stadium is working, doing 4-5 hour bursts will meant the 100 hour achievement will be knocked our gradually over the course of the next couple of weeks.

For tonight's stream, we shall lead off with more goofing around in Forza Horizon 4 and then continue Gears 5 with Iceman and Striker!

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

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