Tuesday, January 11, 2022

In Context, Roah Is Kind Of Right

Good Morning Everyone,

Last night's stream of Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise saw the long way around being taken when it came to finishing chapter nine of the story, which sees the normal big bad of the manga and anime, Roah, make his appearance. Turns out Roah knows the secret of Eden and was the one who came up with the idea to create the city, as a means to safeguard against anyone discovering that the Sphere City basically has a nuclear weapon capable of destroying what's left of the world, that is triggered if someone is being restored on the bed in the chamber of miracles... which is exactly where Yuria is, so once the time runs out, the world (or what remains of it) goes boom. So in the context of the game, Roah is actually in the right in his rush to kill Yuria out right, but for the story, Kenshiro wasn't going to let that happen obviously, and thus they fight it out. Plus at this point there are two chapters left, and Roah and Ken's story doesn't end here.

In terms of where this would fit in the greater lore of Fist of the North Star, from what I understand of the timeline, this would mostly place the events after the Jagi arc, after Roah learns that Yuria is the last of the Nanto generals and well before the events of Ken's showdown with Roah

Now the majority of the stream saw me messing around with bounties, sub-stories and other general side quests... the world of the game is actually very engaging in that I want to knock out as much as I can before I feel I have to move the story forward. Hell even the pain in the ass crane game in the arcade is worth doing just to see how the damn thing is rigged!

Of course I would actually jump back into the game off-stream to knock off the achievements associated with the Crane Game, as well as the one to have Kenshiro eat at all food that can be ordered at the three restaurants. Really is looking like Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise will be one of those games I will throw on just to work towards some of the more grind heavy goals. 

For last night's raid, we sent everyone over to MATURISHBAMBINO_ who was also playing Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise. He streams over at twitch.tv/MATURISHBAMBINO_ !

Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise Trophies

  1. Tiger Dropped: Defeat a master from another world.
  2. The Man who Proved Himself: Completed Chapter 9.
  3. Shake-a-shake-a-shake: Obtain Rank S in Bartender Ken. 
  4. Eden's Own Gastronome: Order every menu item at all eateries.
  5. Crane Stance: Obtain all prizes in the crane game. 

Twitch Clip Links

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout had me doing Difficult Challenge Combo #2, Difficult Challenge Combo #1 and Difficult Challenge Combo #3 for 34 minutes and an estimated calorie burn of 639 kcal. Today we reached the Immortal Weight Puncher goal of 540,000 HITs which is the last of the punch total EX achievements for the game.... which surprises me because one would think that total would have been 1,000,000.. Anyway, with it accomplished, we're at 86% completion for all EX Achievements

Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise EX Achievements

  1. Immortal Weight Puncher: Reach a total punch count of 540,000 HITs

Apparently the Padres and Giants told the Mets to fuck off about interviewing members of their staff for positions they need filled. Good for them. 

My off-stream Final Fantasy XIV adventure saw me tackle two trials as part of the Eden side story, Eden's Promise: Litany and Eden's Promise: Anamorphosis... which sees a lot of Gaia's back story revealed, in that she is one half of a couple that really wants to be together forever... which means that can't happen because of and how much Gaia means to Ryne. The later trial also raises a few questions regarding Ryne's mental state if some how Thancred is something she has hopes and dread about considering how tight they were. I could be misunderstanding the imagery.

Got a call from one of the various people trying to fill in for the day shift supervisor who passed away at the end of last year, I'm told, for sure, that Thursday things get back to normal for those of us on Day Shift... and that we'll be required to use rather specific types of USB headsets at the end of the month. Good thing I had a few commissioned fan fics to write to get the jump on that extra hardware I need to have.

For tonight's stream it'll be more Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise as we'll focus on a lot of side stuff first before advancing the plot of Chapter 10!

So on that note we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!

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