Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Guardians of the Galaxy Lived Up To Its Hype!

Good afternoon everybody,

It's not often I feel like a game was worth the hype, but Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy certainly lived up to the hype as being the best game of 2021.

Obviously we finished the game last night, with 50 of the games 58 achievement unlocked, so not bad on a blind playthrough. Ran into a few glitches as it relates to audio, in particular with Groot where his dialog would not be heard outside of some cut scenes. Also depending on how fast you are moving a lot of dialog can get cut off.

I think the final quarter of the game was really well done, in the long road to battle Fin Fang Foom certainly had a lot of anticipation for it... granted, the fight itself was similar to giant squid thing from earlier in the game... and after that battle, it really is the point of no return as Chapters 14 and 15 are seamless with the amount of action that takes place... and also seems to depend on how you dealt with Cosmo and the Worldmind, because it certainly seems as if I could've seen more combat situations.

The fake out with the credits rolling and then the revelation that we had one more 'battle' to deal with was well done. I said battle, because facing Magus wasn't really a boss battle, just dealing with the waves of enemies to get to a a Quick Time event, but this does give the ending a more cinematic feel to it, which is clearly what they were going for.


f you haven't played Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy yet, I highly recommend it, and it's very rare I would say something is a 'must play', but it truly is.

Now the remaining achievements for Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy I need to get involve collectables and combat feats, which will warrant another play through with the game's new game plus feature, so it appears some enemies don't appear late in the game.

Following the stream we sent the fun over to Helramma who was playing Kingdom Hearts over at!  

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Achievements

  1. Lava Launcher: Acquire the Plasma Element for Star-Lord's guns.
  2. Altitude Adjustment: Defeat 20 enemies with Star-Lord's Eye of the Hurricane.
  3. Foom's Doom: Defeat Fin Fang Foom.
  4. Fully Loaded: Invest in all Special Abilities for all Companions.
  5. Against All Odds: Complete Chapter 13.  
  6. Herbal Remedy: Revive or Heal Companions 10 times with Groot's Gift of the Florae.
  7. Into The Fire: Complete Chapter 14.
  8. Faithless: Defeat Grand Unifier Raker.
  9. Broken Promises: Complete Chapter 15.
  10. Poetry Critic: Defeat The Magus.
  11. The Magus: Complete Chapter 16.
  12. Guardians of the Galaxy: Complete Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy.

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Today's Fitness Boxing 2 Daily Workout featured Defensive Combo #2, Defensive Combo #1 and Double Combo #1 for a duration of 28 minutes and an estimated calorie burn of 434 kcal.

Finally knocked off the Ability Skill Master achievement in Jump Force, and I truly think that one is bugged, because I picked up way more than 30 ability skills doing the freaking missions associated with it, At this point I have 42 of the 50 achievements associated with this particular game.

Jump Force Achievements

  1. Ability Skill Master: Obtained 30 or more Ability Skills.

Over with Final Fantasy XIV I was mostly focused on the Eden side-quest line, which introduced the character of Gaia and 'new' trials. There is a special place in hell for whoever came up with Eden's Gate: Sepulture, as that 'new version' of Titan had me baffled beyond reason to realize what the hell was happening. Again, if people are wondering why it's going to take me so long to get to Endwalker, it's finding things like this to tackle.

For tonight's stream I'm not 100% sure what I'm going to do, we could mess around with Jump Force of the horde mode of Gears of War 4, but I may just do something random for the hell of it. Still we will be streaming this evening, you know that's a fact!

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

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