Saturday, December 18, 2021

Chasing Team Galactic All Over The Region

Good afternoon everyone,

The last major holidays are closing in, which means the usual rough end of the year for me, but that's life as they say.

Anyway, last night's stream of Pokemon Shining Pearl went longer than I planned, because if there is one thing I've noticed about this game, is that it loves back tracking. After claiming the 7th Gym Badge and dealing with a sliding on ice puzzle, the majority of the night was spent chasing Team Galactic all over the place.

Turns out they nuked a lake to get access to some legendary Pokemon as part of their plan for universal conquest... their leader wants to summon a powerful Pokemon (Palkia) from another dimension so that he can re-shape reality. See, this is why Team Rocket is memorable folks, their schemes never got this silly. 

That said, it certainly was a gauntlet, particularly when heading to a mountain plateau, where I not only had to deal with Team Galactic grunts, but also wild Pokemon. Now facing off against Palkia was a big of a slug fest best I was not aware it was a Water-Dragon type... still, managed to catch it using the Master Ball. I would put it in the party, but even at level 47 its actually weaker than my squad which are all in the level 53-55 range.

Which brings me the concern that will be the Elite Four, I peaked ahead, and I realize I'm going to have to get my team at least into the low-to-mid 70s. So we may be grinding a lot for levels. Why? Because the entire Elite Four plus the Champion all have Pokemon in the mid 50s-60s range. That's going to be tough to get through.

Following the fun wassent the fun over to SheepFuzz who was doing their late Friday night Jackbox Party streams over on!

Twitch Clip Links

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Block Combo, Waist Shape Focus Combo and Hook Combo #1 for a duration of 31 minutes and an estimated calorie burn of 475 kcal.

Finally got the Twitch Recap for what 2021 looked liked for me as a viewer, and I'm not too surprised that Kalenal ( and sw33ts_gaming ( were #1 and #2 considering I lurk and raid their channels following my streams. MarvelMaven ( often streams in the afternoons, so I would lurk there when I'm working. Most known that DaemonsW0lf has done 99% of my channel's artwork, but she does stream from time to time over on at and then there is FNDanteSavage who was not able to stream as much as he would like this year, but when he's able to he's super fun to watch over at

I am partly surprised over what was my top three watched categories, Final Fantasy XIV and Smite are expected as those are things Kalenal and Sw33ts_Gaming often feature... but I'm trying to think who the hell was playing Dead By Daylight so often this past year, because that was not something none of folks I often watch played.

With work slowing down because of the holidays, I took advantage and knocked out some achievements in both Gears of War 4 and Microsoft Solitaire Collection. Actually have a nice stream going as it relates to X-Box achievements.

Gears of War 4 Achievements

  1. At First I Was Afraid, I Was Petrified: Survived the first 10 consecutive waves of Horde in a squad
  2. It's a Start: Earned 1000 Credits lifetime
  3. Level 20: Reached Level 20

Microsoft Solitaire Collection (UWP) Achievements

  1. Mining for Gold: Used 5 or more cards in the waste pile before making another draw in Klondike
  2. Yuck, Random!: Won a Random difficulty game of Klondike

My off-stream Final Fantasy XIV adventures continued the main story quest from 'Reassuring the Masses' up through 'A Greater Purpose', which is basically the entire final stretch leading into the final quest of the original Shadowbringer's expansion. This does include covering the featured side quests the unlocked in addition to finding the Aether Current. So the next thing to do, when I continue, would be to do the mission called 'Shadowbringers' which has a dungeon and a trial associated with it.

Of course the plan for tonight's stream is to feature Final Fantasy XIV, but that depends on the size of the queue from when I'm trying to log in to have the game ready. If we can't get in, we'll mess around with something else!

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

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